#include "toksvc_driver_impl.h"
#include "argv/argv.h"
const struct argv_option toks_default_options[] = {
{"version", 'v',TAG_VERSION,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
"show version information"},
{"help", 'h',TAG_HELP,ARGV_OPTARG_OPTIONAL,0,"short|long",0,
"show usage information [listing %s options only]"},
{"sysroot", 0,TAG_SYSROOT,ARGV_OPTARG_REQUIRED,0,0,"<dir>",
"pass a handle to %s to the spawned child process, "
"and set it to be the child's intial root directory."},
{"daemon", 0,TAG_DAEMON,ARGV_OPTARG_OPTIONAL,0,"default|always|never",0,
"have the service's daemon thread handle signals sent by the "
"application's own controlling terminal. The default is for "
"the daemon thread to handle signals when the service runs as "
"a stand-alone program, and defer the task to the main utility "
"in all other cases."},
{"uuid", 'u',TAG_UUID,ARGV_OPTARG_REQUIRED,0,0,"<uuid>",
"set the service identifier to %s."},
{"tokens", 't',TAG_TOKENS,ARGV_OPTARG_REQUIRED,0,0,"<ntokens>",
"set the number of available tokens to %s, which should be "
"in the range of 1..9999."},
{"connect", 'c',TAG_CONNECT,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
"connect to the server without placing any request"},
{"acquire", 'a',TAG_ACQUIRE,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
"acquire the next available token"},
{"pid", 'p',TAG_PID,ARGV_OPTARG_REQUIRED,0,0,"<pid>",
"assign the token to the framework process "
"identified by %s"},