| [97musage[90m: [33m./[93mbuild.sh [90m[[33m-[93ma nt32[90m|[93mnt64[90m] [[33m-[93mb debug[90m|[93mrelease[90m] [[33m-[93mC dir[90m[[93m,[90m..]] [[33m-[93mD kind[90m[[93m,[90m..]][0m |
| [90m[[33m-[93mF ipv4[90m|[93mipv6[90m|[93moffline[90m] [[33m-[93mh[90m|[33m--[93mhelp[90m] [[33m-[93mp jobs[90m|[33m-[93mP[90m] [[33m-[93mr ALL[90m|[93mLAST[90m][0m |
| [90m[[33m-[93mr [90m[[93m*[90m[[93m*[90m[[93m*[90m]]][93mname[90m[[93m,[90m..][[93m:ALL[90m|[93mLAST[90m|[[93m^[90m|[93m<[90m|[93m<=[90m|[93m>[90m|[93m>=[90m][93mstep,[90m..]] [[33m-[93mR[90m] |
| [90m[[33m-[93mv[90m] [[33m-[93mV [90m[[93m+[90m][93mtag[90m|[93mpat[90m[[93m,[90m..][90m][0m |
| |
| [90m[[33m--[93mas-needed[90m] [90m[[33m--[93mdebug-minipix[90m] [[33m--[93mdump-on-abort[90m] [90m[[33m--[93mreset-state[90m][0m |
| [90m[[33m--[93mroar[90m] [[[93m=[90m][90m<[93mgroup[90m>|<[93mvariable name[90m>[93m=[90m<[93mvariable override[90m>[ ..]][0m |
| |
| [33m-[93ma nt32[90m|[93mnt64[0m [96mSelects 32-bit or 64-bit architecture; defaults to [93mnt64[96m.[0m |
| [33m-[93mb debug[90m|[93mrelease[0m [96mSelects debug or release build kind; defaults to [93mdebug[96m.[0m |
| [33m-[93mC dir[90m[[93m,[90m..][0m [96mClean build directory ([93mbuild[96m,) [93m${PREFIX}[96m before processing build[0m |
| [96mscripts ([93mprefix[96m,) source directory ([93msrc[96m,) and/or destination[0m |
| [96mdirectory ([93mdest[96m) after successful package builds.[0m |
| [33m-[93mD kind[90m[[93m,[90m..][0m [96mProduce minimal midipix distribution directory ([93mminipix[96m,) RPM[0m |
| [96mbinary packages ([93mrpm[96m,) and/or deployable distribution ZIP[0m |
| [96marchive ([93mzipdist[96m.) [93mzipdist[96m implies [93mminipix[96m.[0m |
| [33m-[93mF ipv4[90m|[93mipv6[90m|[93moffline[0m |
| [96mForce IPv4 ([93mipv4[96m) or IPv6 ([93mipv6[96m) when downloading package[0m |
| [96marchives and/or Git repositories or don't download either at all[0m |
| [96m([93moffline[96m.)[0m |
| [33m-[93mh[90m|[93m--help[0m [96mShow short/full help screen, respectively.[0m |
| [33m-[93mp jobs[90m|[93m-P[0m [96mEnables parallelisation at group-level, whenever applicable.[0m |
| [96mThe maximum count of jobs defaults to the number of logical[0m |
| [96mprocessors on the host system divided by two (2.)[0m |
| |
| [96mIf [33m-[93mR[96m is not specified and at least one (1) package fails to[0m |
| [96mbuild, all remaining package builds will be forcibly aborted.[0m |
| |
| [33m-[93mr ALL[90m|[93mLAST[0m [96mRestart all packages or the last failed package and resume[0m |
| [96mbuild, resp.[0m |
| [33m-[93mr [90m[[93m*[90m[[93m*[90m[[93m*[90m]]][93mname[90m[[93m,[90m..][[93m:ALL[90m|[93mLAST[90m|[[93m^[90m|[93m<[90m|[93m<=[90m|[93m>[90m|[93m>=[90m][93mstep,[90m..][0m |
| [96mRestart the specified comma-separated package(s) w/ inhibition[0m |
| [96mof package build step state resetting completely ([90m`[93mALL[90m'[96m,) starting[0m |
| [96mat the resp. last successfully executed build steps ([90m`[93mLAST[90m'[96m,) or the[0m |
| [96mspecified comma-separated list of build steps, optionally subject[0m |
| [96mconcerning package name(s) and/or build step(s) to the below modifiers:[0m |
| |
| [96mPrepend name w/ [90m`[93m*[90m'[96m to automatically include dependencies, [90m`[93m**[90m'[0m |
| [96mto forcibly rebuild all dependencies, and [90m`[93m***[90m'[96m to forcibly[0m |
| [96mrebuild all packages that depend on the specified package(s).[0m |
| |
| [96mPrepend step w/ [90m`[93m^[90m'[96m to filter build steps with, [90m`[93m<[90m'[96m or [90m`[93m<=[90m'[0m |
| [96mto constrain build steps to below or below or equal with, resp.,[0m |
| [90m`[93m>[90m'[96m or [90m`[93m>=[90m'[96m to constrain build steps to above or above or equal[0m |
| [96mwith, resp.[0m |
| |
| [96mCurrently defined build steps are:[0m |
| [93mfetch_clean[90m,[93m fetch_download[90m,[93m fetch_extract[90m,[93m configure_clean[90m,[0m |
| [93mconfigure_patch_pre[90m,[93m configure_autotools[90m,[93m configure_patch[90m,[0m |
| [93mconfigure[90m,[93m build_clean[90m,[93m build[90m,[93m install_clean[90m,[93m install_subdirs[90m,[0m |
| [93minstall_make[90m,[93m install_files[90m,[93m install_libs[90m,[93m install[90m,[93m install_rpm[90m,[0m |
| [96mand [93mclean[90m.[0m |
| |
| [96mAdditionally, the following virtual steps are provided:[0m |
| [93m@fetch[90m,[93m @configure[90m,[93m @build[90m,[93m @install[90m,[93m @clean[90m,[96m and [93mfinish[90m.[0m |
| |
| [33m-[93mR[0m [96mIgnore build failures, skip printing package logs, and continue[0m |
| [96mbuilding (relaxed mode.)[0m |
| |
| [33m-[93mv[90m [96mIncrease logging verbosity.[0m |
| [33m-[93mV [90m[[93m+[90m][93mtag[90m|[93mpat[90m[[93m,[90m..][0m [96mEnable logging for messages with [93mtag[96m or [93mpat[96mtern matching tags of:[0m |
| [93m+[90m (prefix)..: [96minitialise tags with [93mnormal[96m verbosity (implies [93mnormal[96m) (see [93metc/build.theme[90m,[96m)[0m |
| [93mall[90m.........: [96mlog everything (see [93metc/build.theme[90m,[96m)[0m |
| [93mclear|none[90m..: [96mlog nothing,[0m |
| [93mnormal[90m......: [96mlog at normal verbosity (see [93metc/build.theme[90m,[96m)[0m |
| [93mverbose[90m.....: [96mlog at increased verbosity (implies [93mnormal[96m) (see [93metc/build.theme[96m) ([33m-[93mv[90m,[96m)[0m |
| |
| [93mbuild[90m.......: [96mlog package build logs,[0m |
| [93mfileops[90m.....: [96mlog RTL file operations,[0m |
| [93minstall[90m.....: [96mlog RTL installation DSL operations,[0m |
| [93mzipdist[90m.....: [96mlog deployable distribution ZIP archive operations,[0m |
| [93mxtrace[90m......: [96mset [93mxtrace[96m during package builds,[0m |
| |
| [93mfatal[90m.......: [96mfatal, unrecoverable errors,[0m |
| [93minfo[90m........: [96minformational messages,[0m |
| [93mverbose[90m.....: [96mverbose informational messages,[0m |
| [93mwarning[90m.....: [96mwarning messages possibly relating to imminent fatal, unrecoverable errors,[0m |
| |
| [93mbuild_*[90m.....: [96mgeneral build messages (viz.: [93mbegin[90m, [93mfinish[90m, [93mfinish_time[90m, [93mvars[90m,[96m)[0m |
| [93mgroup_*[90m.....: [96mbuild group messages (viz.: [93mbegin[90m, [93mfinish[90m,[96m)[0m |
| [93mpkg_*[90m.......: [96mpackage build messages (viz.: [93mbegin[90m, [93mfaildump[90m, [93mfinish[90m, [93mmsg[90m, [93mskip[90m, [93mstep[90m, [93mstrip[90m.[96m)[0m |
| |
| [33m--[93mas-needed[0m [96mDon't build unless the midipix_build repository has received[0m |
| [96mnew commits.[0m |
| [33m--[93mdebug-minipix[0m [96mDon't [93mstrip(1)[96m minipix binaries to facilitate debugging minipix.[0m |
| [33m--[93mdump-on-abort[0m [96mProduce package environment dump files on build failure to be[0m |
| [96mused in conjuction with pkg_shell.sh script (excludes [33m-[93mR[96m.)[0m |
| [33m--[93mreset-state[0m [96mReset package build step state on exit.[0m |
| |
| [90m<[93mgroup[90m>[ ..][96m One of: [93mdev_packages[90m,[93m dist[90m,[93m host_deps[90m,[93m host_deps_rpm[90m,[0m |
| [93mhost_toolchain[90m,[93m host_tools[90m,[93m minipix[90m,[93m native_packages[90m,[0m |
| [93mnative_runtime[90m,[93m native_toolchain[90m,[93m native_tools[90m.[0m |
| |
| [96mPrepend w/ [90m`[93m=[90m'[96m to inhibit group-group dependency expansion.[0m |
| |
| [90m<[93mvariable name[90m>[93m=[90m<[93mvariable override[90m>[ ..][0m |
| [96mOverride build or package variable.[0m |
| |