| [97musage[90m: [33m./[93mpkgtool.sh [90m[[33m-[93ma nt32[90m|[93mnt64[90m] [[33m-[93mb [93mdebug[90m|[93mrelease[90m] [[33m-[93mi[90m|[33m-[93mm [90m<[93mdname[90m> [33m-[93mM [90m<[93mdname[90m>|[33m-[93mr[90m|[33m-[93ms[90m|[33m-[93mt[90m] [[33m-[93mv[90m][0m |
| [90m[<[93mvariable name[90m>[93m=[90m<[93mvariable override[90m>[ ..]] [93mname[90m |
| |
| [33m-[93ma nt32[90m|[93mnt64[0m [96mSelects 32-bit or 64-bit architecture; defaults to [93mnt64[96m.[0m |
| [33m-[93mb debug[90m|[93mrelease[0m [96mSelects debug or release build kind; defaults to [93mdebug[96m.[0m |
| [33m-[93mi [96mList package variables and dependencies of single named package.[0m |
| [33m-[93mm [90m<[93mdname[90m> [96mSetup package archives mirror in [90m<[93mdname[90m>[96m and/or[0m |
| [33m-[93mM [90m<[93mdname[90m> [96mSetup Git repositories mirror in [90m<[93mdname[90m>[0m |
| [33m-[93mr [96mList reverse dependencies of single named package.[0m |
| [33m-[93ms [96mEnter interactive package build shell environment for single[0m |
| [96mnamed package; requires a package dump file. If the package[0m |
| [96mhas not been built yet or built successfully, it will be rebuilt[0m |
| [96mat build steps up until, by default, the [90m`[93mbuild[90m'[96m build step and[0m |
| [96mforcibly aborted and dumped prior to enterting the shell.[0m |
| [33m-[93mt [96mProduce tarball of package build root directory and build log[0m |
| [96mfile for the purpose of distribution given build failure.[0m |
| [33m-[93mv [96mIncrease verbosity.[0m |
| |
| [90m<[93mvariable name[90m>[93m=[90m<[93mvariable override[90m>[ ..][0m |
| [96mOverride build or package variable.[0m |
| |