Blob Blame History Raw
#include "tpax_driver_impl.h"
#include "argv/argv.h"

const struct argv_option tpax_default_options[] = {
	{"version",	0,TAG_VERSION,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
			"show version information"},

	{"help",	0,TAG_HELP,ARGV_OPTARG_OPTIONAL,0,"short|long",0,
			"show usage information [listing %s options only]"},

	{"list",	0,TAG_LIST,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
			"list mode (output names of archive members)"},

	{"read",	'r',TAG_READ,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
			"read mode (extract matching archive members)"},

	{"write",	'w',TAG_WRITE,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
			"write mode (add specified files to archive)"},

	{"copy",	0,TAG_COPY,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
			"copy mode (copy specified files "
			"to a specified destination directory)"},

			"archive format [%s]"},

	{"blksize",	'b',TAG_BLKSIZE,ARGV_OPTARG_REQUIRED,0,0,0,
			"(non-default) block-size; valid values are "
			"in the range of 512 to 32256; keeping "
			"the default format-specific block size "
			"(5120 for the pax and cpio formats,"
			" 10240 for the ustar format) "
			"is strongly recommended."},

	{"recurse",	0,TAG_RECURSE,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
			"recurse into directory archive members "
			"(this is the tpax_main() default)"},

	{"no-recurse",	'd',TAG_NORECURSE,ARGV_OPTARG_NONE,0,0,0,
			"do not recurse into directory archive members"},

			"do not allow file arguments (in write and copy modes) "
			"to contain parent-directoy (dot dot) references"},

			"output (in list mode) or store (in write mode) path "
			"names in pure form, specifically by liminating all "
			"this-dir (dot) elements from the listed/stored path "
			"name, as well as replacing each meaningless sequence "
			"of consecutive forward slash characters with a single "
			"forward slash; the presence of exactly two forward "
			"slash characters in the beginning of a path may be "
			"meaningful, and therefore shall remain instact."},
