diff --git a/project/pydist.sh b/project/pydist.sh
index 889e60c..27c3520 100755
--- a/project/pydist.sh
+++ b/project/pydist.sh
@@ -5,6 +5,25 @@
 #            under $PYTHON_SRCDIR/Lib, excluding the 'test'
 #            and 'plat-*' sub-directories.
+if [ -z "$PYTHON_SRCDIR" ]; then
+	printf 'Variable PYTHON_SRCDIR is not set!\n'
+	exit 2
+cd "$PYTHON_SRCDIR"/Lib || exit 2
+pydirs=$(find . -type d | grep -v -e '^\./test' -e '^./plat-' | sort)
+if [ -z $pysrcs ]; then
+	exit 2
+if [ -z $pypycs ]; then
+	exit 2
 printf 'PYCOPY        = $(PROJECT_DIR)/project/pycopy.sh\n'
 printf 'PYCOPY_PREFIX = $(PREFIX)\n\n'
@@ -15,9 +34,11 @@ printf 'PYDIST_PYCDIR = lib/$(NICKNAME)\n\n\n'
 printf 'PYDIST_SYSCFG_SRCS = \\\n'
 printf '\t$(PYDIST_PYCDIR)/./_sysconfigdata.py\n\n'
-cd "$PYTHON_SRCDIR"/Lib || exit 2
+cpvar=$(printf '\tcp -p $(%s)' 'PYDIST_SYSCFG_SRCS')
+printf '%-64s$(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/$(PACKAGE)\n' "$cpvar" >> $pysrcs
-pydirs=$(find . -type d | grep -v -e '^\./test' -e '^./plat-' | sort)
+cpvar=$(printf '\tcp -p $(%s:%s.py=%s.pyc)' 'PYDIST_SYSCFG_SRCS' '%' '%')
+printf '%-68s$(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/$(PACKAGE)\n' "$cpvar" >> $pypycs
 for pydir in $pydirs; do
 	if [ $(find "$pydir" -name '*.py' | wc -l) != '0' ]; then
@@ -28,6 +49,12 @@ for pydir in $pydirs; do
 		printf "%s = "'\\'"\n" "$pyvar"
 		pyvars="$pyvars $pyvar"
+		cpvar=$(printf '\tcp -p $(%s)' "$pyvar")
+		printf '%-64s$(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/$(PACKAGE)/%s\n' "$cpvar" "$pydir" >> $pysrcs
+		cpvar=$(printf '\tcp -p $(%s:%s.py=%s.pyc)' "$pyvar" '%' '%')
+		printf '%-68s$(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/$(PACKAGE)/%s\n' "$cpvar" "$pydir" >> $pypycs
 		for pysrc in $pydir/*.py; do
 			if [ $pysrc != $pydir/py3_test_grammar.py ]; then
 				printf "\t"'$(PYDIST_PYCDIR)/'"%s "'\\'"\n" $pysrc
@@ -77,7 +104,37 @@ printf '\trm -f $(PYDIST_PY_SRCS)\n'
 printf '\trm -f pydist.tag\n\n'
 printf 'clean:\tpydist-py-srcs-clean\n\n'
+printf '\n\n'
+printf 'pydist-install-tree:\n'
+for pydir in $pydirs; do
+	if [ $pydir != '.' ]; then
+		printf '\tmkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/$(PACKAGE)/%s\n' $pydir
+	fi
+printf '\n\n'
+printf 'pydist-install-py: $(PYDIST_PY_SRCS)\n'
+printf 'pydist-install-py: pydist-install-tree\n'
+printf 'pydist-install-py:\n'
+cat $pysrcs
+printf '\n\n'
+printf 'pydist-install-pyc: $(PYCGEN_OBJS)\n'
+printf 'pydist-install-pyc: pydist-install-tree\n'
+printf 'pydist-install-pyc:\n'
+cat $pypycs
+printf '\n\n'
+printf 'install-app:\tpydist-install-py\n'
+printf 'install-app:\tpydist-install-pyc\n'
+printf '\n\n'
 printf '.PHONY:\tpydist-py-srcs\n'
 printf '.PHONY:\tpydist-py-srcs-clean\n\n'
+printf '.PHONY:\tpydist-install-tree\n'
+printf '.PHONY:\tpydist-install-py\n'
+printf '.PHONY:\tpydist-install-pyc\n'
 exit 0