# # set +o errexit -o noglob is assumed. # buildp_init_args() { local _last_pkg=""; _status=""; if [ "${ARG_AS_NEEDED:-0}" -eq 1 ]\ && [ -e "${PREFIX}/build.gitref" ]\ && [ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$(cat "${PREFIX}/build.gitref")" ]; then _status="Git repository has not changed since last build and --as-needed was specified."; fi; if [ -n "${ARG_RESTART}" ]; then if [ "${ARG_RESTART#\*\*}" != "${ARG_RESTART}" ]; then ARG_RESTART="${ARG_RESTART#\*\*}"; ARG_RESTART_RECURSIVE=2; elif [ "${ARG_RESTART#\*}" != "${ARG_RESTART}" ]; then ARG_RESTART="${ARG_RESTART#\*}"; ARG_RESTART_RECURSIVE=1; fi; fi; case "${ARG_RESTART}" in ALL) ARG_RESTART_AT=ALL; ARG_RESTART_RECURSIVE=2; ;; LAST) ARG_RESTART_AT=ALL; ARG_RESTART_RECURSIVE=0; ;; "") ;; *:*) ARG_RESTART_AT="${ARG_RESTART#*:}"; ARG_RESTART="$(rtl_llift "${ARG_RESTART%%:*}" "," " ")"; ;; *) ARG_RESTART="$(rtl_llift "${ARG_RESTART}" "," " ")"; ARG_RESTART_AT=ALL; ;; esac; if [ "${ARG_RESTART}" = "LAST" ]; then if [ -n "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LAST_FAILED_PKG_FNAME}" ]\ && [ -e "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LAST_FAILED_PKG_FNAME}" ]; then _last_pkg="$(cat "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LAST_FAILED_PKG_FNAME}")"; rtl_fileop rm "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LAST_FAILED_PKG_FNAME}"; rtl_state_clear "${BUILD_WORKDIR}" "${_last_pkg}"; ARG_RESTART="${_last_pkg}"; fi; fi; rtl_log_set_vnfo_lvl "${ARG_VERBOSE:-0}"; case "${ARG_FETCH_FORCE}" in ipv4) DEFAULT_GIT_ARGS="$(rtl_lconcat "-4" "${DEFAULT_GIT_ARGS}")"; DEFAULT_WGET_ARGS="$(rtl_lconcat "-4" "${DEFAULT_GIT_ARGS}")"; ;; ipv6) DEFAULT_GIT_ARGS="$(rtl_lconcat "-6" "${DEFAULT_GIT_ARGS}")"; DEFAULT_WGET_ARGS="$(rtl_lconcat "-6" "${DEFAULT_GIT_ARGS}")"; ;; esac; return 0; }; buildp_init_defaults() { local _rc=0; _status=""; # Command-line arguments ARCH="nt64"; BUILD="debug"; ARG_AS_NEEDED=0; ARG_CLEAN_BUILDS=""; ARG_DEBUG_MINIPIX=0; ARG_DIST=""; ARG_FETCH_FORCE=0; ARG_PARALLEL=1; ARG_RELAXED=0; ARG_RESTART=""; ARG_VERBOSE=0; # Build parameters & state BUILD_DLCACHEDIR="";BUILD_HNAME=""; BUILD_IS_PARENT=1; BUILD_GROUPS=""; BUILD_TARGET=""; BUILD_USER=""; BUILD_WORKDIR=""; MIDIPIX_BUILD_PWD=""; PREFIX=""; PREFIX_RPM=""; # Global defaults DEFAULT_BUILD_CPUS=1; DEFAULT_BUILD_LAST_FAILED_PKG_FNAME="" DEFAULT_BUILD_LOG_FNAME=""; DEFAULT_BUILD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_FNAME=""; DEFAULT_BUILD_STEPS=""; DEFAULT_BUILD_VARS=""; DEFAULT_CLEAR_PREFIX_PATHS=""; DEFAULT_GIT_ARGS=""; DEFAULT_GITROOT_HEAD=""; DEFAULT_LOG_ENV_VARS=""; DEFAULT_TARGET=""; DEFAULT_WGET_ARGS=""; return "${_rc}"; }; buildp_init_env() { local _fname="" _rc=0; _status=""; if ! cd "$(dirname "${0}")" || ! umask 022; then printf "Error: failed to setup environment.\n"; exit 1; else for _fname in $(find subr -name *.subr); do if ! . "${_fname}"; then printf "Error: failed to source \`%s'.\n" "${_fname}"; exit 1; fi; done; fi; return "${_rc}"; }; buildp_init_files() { local _log_last_fname="" _log_last_ts="" _rc=0; _status="" if ! rtl_fileop mkdir "${BUILD_DLCACHEDIR}" "${BUILD_WORKDIR}"\ || rtl_lmatch "${ARG_DIST}" "rpm" ","\ && ! rtl_fileop mkdir "${PREFIX_RPM}"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: cannot create build directories."; elif [ -e "${DEFAULT_BUILD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_FNAME}" ]; then _rc=1; _status="Error: another build targeting this architecture and build type is currently in progress."; elif ! rtl_clean_env "${DEFAULT_CLEAR_ENV_VARS_EXCEPT}"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: failed to clean environment."; elif ! rtl_check_path_vars "${DEFAULT_CHECK_PATH_VARS}"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: one or more variable containing pathname(s) contains whitespace character(s)."; else touch "${DEFAULT_BUILD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_FNAME}"; if [ -e "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LOG_FNAME}" ]; then _log_last_ts="$(stat -c %Y "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LOG_FNAME}")"; _log_last_ts="$(awk 'BEGIN {printf(strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", '"${_log_last_ts}"'))}')"; _log_last_fname="${DEFAULT_BUILD_LOG_FNAME}.${_log_last_ts}"; rtl_fileop mv "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LOG_FNAME}" "${_log_last_fname}"; rtl_fileop ln_symbolic "${_log_last_fname}" "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LOG_LAST_FNAME}"; fi; rtl_fileop touch "${DEFAULT_BUILD_LOG_FNAME}"; if rtl_lmatch "${ARG_CLEAN_BUILDS}" "prefix" ","; then rtl_log_msg info "-C prefix specified, cleaning prefix..."; for _pname in ${DEFAULT_CLEAR_PREFIX_PATHS}; do if ! rtl_fileop rm "${PREFIX}/${_pname}"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: failed to remove \`${PREFIX}/${_pname}'."; break; fi; done; fi; export PATH="${PREFIX}/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}"; fi; return "${_rc}"; }; buildp_init_getopts() { local _opt="" _rc=0 _shiftfl=0 OPTIND=0; _status=""; while [ "${#}" -gt 0 ]; do case "${1}" in --as-needed) ARG_AS_NEEDED=1; _shiftfl=1; ;; --debug-minipx) ARG_DEBUG_MINIPIX=1; _shiftfl=1; ;; -v*) _opt="${1#-}"; while [ -n "${_opt}" ]; do : $((ARG_VERBOSE+=1)); _opt="${_opt#?}"; done; _shiftfl=1; ;; *) _shiftfl=0; ;; esac; if [ "${_shiftfl}" -gt 0 ]; then shift "${_shiftfl}"; continue; elif getopts a:b:C:D:Fhp:Pr:R _opt; then case "${_opt}" in a) ARCH="${OPTARG}"; ;; b) BUILD="${OPTARG}"; ;; C) ARG_CLEAN_BUILDS="${OPTARG}"; ;; D) ARG_DIST="${OPTARG}"; ;; F) ARG_FETCH_FORCE=1; ;; h) cat etc/build.usage; exit 0; ;; p) ARG_PARALLEL="${OPTARG}"; ;; P) ARG_PARALLEL="auto"; ;; r) ARG_RESTART="${OPTARG}"; ;; R) ARG_RELAXED=1; ;; *) cat etc/build.usage; exit 1; ;; esac; shift $((${OPTIND}-1)); OPTIND=1; else break; fi; done; if [ "${_rc}" -eq 0 ]; then while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do case "${1}" in *=*) rtl_set_var_unsafe "${1%%=*}" "${1#*=}"; ;; [^a-zA-Z]*) _rc=1; _status="Error: build group names must start with [a-zA-Z]."; ;; *[^_a-zA-Z]*) _rc=1; _status="Error: build group names must not contain [^_a-zA-Z]."; ;; *) BUILD_GROUPS="$(rtl_lconcat "${BUILD_GROUPS}" "${1}")"; esac; shift; done; fi; return "${_rc}"; }; buildp_init_prereqs() { local _cmd="" _cmds_missing="" _rc=0; _status=""; for _cmd in \ awk bunzip2 cat chmod cmake cp date find flock g++ \ gcc git grep gunzip gzip hostname install kill \ ln lzip make mkdir mkfifo mv paste patch perl \ pgrep pkill printf readlink rm sed seq sha256sum \ sort stat tail tar test touch tr wget xz zip; do if ! which "${_cmd}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then _cmds_missing="${_cmds_missing:+${_cmds_missing} }${_cmd}"; fi; done; if [ -n "${_cmds_missing}" ]; then _rc=1; _status="Error: missing prerequisite package(s): ${_cmds_missing}"; elif ! awk -V 2>/dev/null | grep -q "^GNU Awk "; then _rc=1; _status="Error: awk(1) in \$PATH must be GNU Awk."; elif ! sed --version 2>/dev/null | grep -q "^GNU sed "; then _rc=1; _status="Error: sed(1) in \$PATH must be GNU sed."; fi; return "${_rc}"; }; buildp_init_vars() { local _default_build_groups="" _fname="" _group="" _groups="" _rc=0; _status=""; if ! rtl_lmatch "${ARCH}" "nt32 nt64"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: invalid architecture \`${ARCH}'."; elif ! rtl_lmatch "${BUILD}" "debug release"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: unknown build type \`${BUILD}'."; elif [ -n "${ARG_PARALLEL}" ] && [ "${ARG_PARALLEL}" != "auto" ]\ && ! rtl_isnumber "${ARG_PARALLEL}"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: invalid jobs count \`${ARG_PARALLEL}'."; else case "${ARCH}" in nt32) DEFAULT_TARGET="i686-nt32-midipix"; ;; nt64) DEFAULT_TARGET="x86_64-nt64-midipix"; ;; esac; if [ -e "/proc/cpuinfo" ]; then DEFAULT_BUILD_CPUS="$(awk '/^processor/{cpus++} END{print cpus}' /proc/cpuinfo)"; if [ "${ARG_PARALLEL}" = "auto" ]\ && [ "${DEFAULT_BUILD_CPUS}" -gt 1 ]; then ARG_PARALLEL=$((${DEFAULT_BUILD_CPUS}/2)); fi; fi; rtl_fileop source_opt \ "${HOME}/midipix_build.vars" "${HOME}/.midipix_build.vars" \ ../midipix_build.vars ./midipix.env; if [ -z "${PREFIX}" ]; then _rc=1; _status="Error: \${PREFIX} empty or unset."; else for _fname in $(find ./groups -name *.group | sort); do rtl_fileop source_opt "${_fname}"; if [ -n "${GROUP_TARGET}" ]; then _group="${GROUP_TARGET}"; unset GROUP_TARGET; else _group="${_fname##*/}"; _group="${_group%.group}"; _group="${_group#*.}"; fi; if ! rtl_lmatch "${_groups}" "${_group}"; then _groups="$(rtl_lconcat "${_groups}" "${_group}")"; if [ -n "${GROUP_AUTO}" ]; then if [ "${GROUP_AUTO:-0}" -ne 0 ]; then _default_build_groups="$(rtl_lconcat "${_default_build_groups}" "${_group}")"; fi; unset GROUP_AUTO; else _default_build_groups="$(rtl_lconcat "${_default_build_groups}" "${_group}")"; fi; fi; done; _default_build_groups="$(rtl_uniq "${_default_build_groups}")"; if ! rtl_lmatch "${ARG_DIST}" "rpm" ","; then _default_build_groups="$(rtl_lfilter "${_default_build_groups}" "host_deps_rpm")"; fi; if [ -z "${BUILD_GROUPS}" ]; then BUILD_GROUPS="${_default_build_groups}"; fi; if [ -n "${ARG_DIST}" ]; then BUILD_GROUPS="$(rtl_lconcat "$(rtl_lfilter "${BUILD_GROUPS}" "dist")" "dist")"; fi; for _group in ${BUILD_GROUPS}; do if ! rtl_lmatch "${_groups}" "${_group}"; then _rc=1; _status="Error: unknown build group \`${_group}'."; break; fi; done; fi; fi; return "${_rc}"; }; build_init() { local _fname="" _rc=0 _status=""; if ! buildp_init_env \ || ! buildp_init_defaults \ || ! buildp_init_getopts "${@}" \ || ! buildp_init_prereqs \ || ! buildp_init_vars \ || ! buildp_init_args \ || ! buildp_init_files; then _rc="${?}"; rtl_log_msg fail "${_status}"; exit "${_rc}"; elif [ -n "${_status}" ]; then rtl_log_msg info "${_status}"; exit 0; else return "${_rc}"; fi; }; # vim:filetype=sh