# # set +o errexit -o noglob is assumed. # # # exp_pkg_check_depends() - check single named package for unsatisfied dependencies # @_pkg_complete: list of completed packages # @_pkg_name: single package name # @_pkg_wait: list of in-progress packages # @_restart_recursive: optional flag specifiying either no dependency expansion (0,) dependency expansion (1,) dependency expansion and forcibly rebuild (2.) # # Return: zero (0) given no outstanding dependencies, non-zero (>0) otherwise # exp_pkg_check_depends() { local _pkg_complete="${1}" _pkg_name="${2}" _pkg_wait="${3}" _restart_recursive="${4}" \ _pkg_depends="" _pkg_name_depend="" _dependfl=0; if _pkg_depends="$(ex_rtl_lunfold_depends 'PKG_${_name}_DEPENDS' $(ex_rtl_get_var_unsafe -u "PKG_"${_pkg_name}"_DEPENDS"))"\ && [ -n "${_pkg_depends}" ]\ && ! [ -n "${_restart}" ] || [ "${_restart_recursive:-0}" -ge 1 ]; then for _pkg_name_depend in $(ex_rtl_uniq ${_pkg_depends}); do if ! ex_rtl_lmatch "${_pkg_complete}" "${_pkg_name_depend}"\ || ex_rtl_lmatch "${_pkg_wait}" "${_pkg_name_depend}"; then _dependfl=1; break; fi; done; fi; return "${_dependfl}"; }; # # exp_pkg_dispatch_package() - dispatch single named packages # @_dispatch_fn: top-level dispatch function name # @_group_name: build group name # @_pkg_name: single package name # @_restart_at: optional comma-separated list of build steps at which to rebuild or ALL # # Return: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure, ${NJOBS}, ${PKG_COUNT}, ${PKG_NAMES}, and ${PKG_WAIT} may be mutated post-return. # exp_pkg_dispatch_package() { local _dispatch_fn="${1}" _group_name="${2}" _pkg_name="${3}" _restart_at="${4}"; if "${_dispatch_fn}" start_pkg "${_group_name}" "${_pkg_name}" "$((${PKG_COUNT}+1))" "${PKG_COUNT_MAX}"; then : $((NJOBS+=1)); : $((PKG_COUNT+=1)); PKG_WAIT="$(ex_rtl_lconcat "${PKG_WAIT}" "${_pkg_name}")"; (set +o errexit -o noglob; BUILD_IS_PARENT=0; if ex_pkg_env "${_group_name}" "${_pkg_name}" "${_restart_at}"; then ex_pkg_exec "${_dispatch_fn}" "${_group_name}" "${_pkg_name}" "${_restart_at}"; else return "${?}"; fi;) 1>"${BUILD_WORKDIR}/${_pkg_name}_stderrout.log" 2>&1 3>"${_pipe_path}" & else return "${?}"; fi; }; # # exp_pkg_dispatch_packages() - dispatch set of packages # @_dispatch_fn: top-level dispatch function name # @_group_name: build group name # @_njobs_max: maximum count of simultaneous jobs # @_pipe_path: pathname to parent-child process FIFO # @_pkg_complete: list of completed packages # @_restart_at: optional comma-separated list of build steps at which to rebuild or ALL # @_restart_recursive: optional flag specifiying either no dependency expansion (0,) dependency expansion (1,) dependency expansion and forcibly rebuild (2.) # # Return: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure, ${NJOBS}, ${PKG_COUNT}, ${PKG_NAMES}, and ${PKG_WAIT} may be mutated post-return. # exp_pkg_dispatch_packages() { local _dispatch_fn="${1}" _group_name="${2}" _njobs_max="${3}" _pipe_path="${4}" \ _pkg_complete="${5}" _restart_at="${6}" _restart_recursive="${7}" \ _njob=0 _pkg_depends="" _pkg_name=""; for _njob in $(seq 1 $((${_njobs_max}-${NJOBS}))); do for _pkg_name in ${PKG_NAMES}; do if ! ex_rtl_lmatch "${_pkg_complete}" "${_pkg_name}"\ && ! ex_rtl_lmatch "${PKG_WAIT}" "${_pkg_name}"\ && exp_pkg_check_depends "${_pkg_complete}" "${_pkg_name}" "${PKG_WAIT}" "${_restart_recursive}"; then exp_pkg_dispatch_package "${_dispatch_fn}" "${_group_name}" "${_pkg_name}" "${_restart_at}"; break; fi; done; done; }; # # exp_pkg_expand_packages() - expand build group name to list of packages ordered and filtered according to dependency and restart constraints # @_group_name: build group name # @_restart: optional comma-separated list of package names to rebuild # @_restart_recursive: optional flag specifiying either no dependency expansion (0,) dependency expansion (1,) dependency expansion and forcibly rebuild (2.) # # Return: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure, ${EX_PKG_NSKIPPED}, ${EX_PKG_NAMES}, and ${PKG_COMPLETE} set post-return. # exp_pkg_expand_packages() { local _group_name="${1}" _restart="${2}" _restart_recursive="${3}" _pkg_name="" _pkg_names=""; if _pkg_names="$(ex_rtl_get_var_unsafe -u "${_group_name}_PACKAGES")"\ && [ -n "${_pkg_names}" ]; then if [ -n "${_restart}" ] && ! ex_rtl_lmatch "${_restart}" "ALL LAST"; then _pkg_names="$(ex_rtl_lsearch "${_pkg_names}" "${_restart}")"; fi; if ! [ -n "${_restart}" ] || [ "${_restart_recursive:-0}" -ge 1 ]; then _pkg_names="$(ex_rtl_uniq $(ex_rtl_lunfold_depends 'PKG_${_name}_DEPENDS' ${_pkg_names}))"; fi; for _pkg_name in ${_pkg_names}; do if [ -n "$(ex_rtl_get_var_unsafe -u "PKG_${_pkg_name}_DISABLED")" ]; then PKG_COMPLETE="$(ex_rtl_lconcat "${PKG_COMPLETE}" "${_pkg_name}")"; : $((EX_PKG_NSKIPPED+=1)); _pkg_names="$(ex_rtl_lfilter "${_pkg_names}" "${_pkg_name}")"; elif ex_pkg_state_test "${_pkg_name}" finish\ && ! ex_rtl_lmatch "${_restart}" "${_pkg_name}"\ && [ "${_restart_recursive:-0}" -ne 2 ]; then PKG_COMPLETE="$(ex_rtl_lconcat "${PKG_COMPLETE}" "${_pkg_name}")"; : $((EX_PKG_NSKIPPED+=1)); _pkg_names="$(ex_rtl_lfilter "${_pkg_names}" "${_pkg_name}")"; fi; done; EX_PKG_NAMES="${_pkg_names}"; return 0; fi; }; # # ex_pkg_dispatch() - dispatch a single build group # @_dispatch_fn: top-level dispatch function name # @_group_name: build group name # @_njobs_max: maximum count of simultaneous jobs # @_restart: optional comma-separated list of package names to rebuild # @_restart_at: optional comma-separated list of build steps at which to rebuild or ALL # @_restart_recursive: optional flag specifiying either no dependency expansion (0,) dependency expansion (1,) dependency expansion and forcibly rebuild (2.) # # Return: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure, ${EX_PKG_NAMES} and ${EX_PKG_NSKIPPED} set post-return. # ex_pkg_dispatch() { local _dispatch_fn="${1}" _group_name="${2}" _njobs_max="${3}" _restart="${4}" _restart_at="${5}" \ _restart_recursive="${6}" _pipe_msg="" _pipe_path="${BUILD_WORKDIR}/build.fifo" _pkg_name="" \ _script_rc=0 NJOBS=0 PKG_COMPLETE="" PKG_COUNT=0 PKG_COUNT_MAX=0 PKG_NAMES="" PKG_WAIT=""; EX_PKG_NSKIPPED=0; EX_PKG_NAMES=""; if "${_dispatch_fn}" start_group "${_group_name}" ""; then if ex_rtl_fileop mkdir "${BUILD_WORKDIR}"\ && ex_rtl_log_msg vnfo "Resolving \`${_group_name}' dependencies..."\ && exp_pkg_expand_packages "${_group_name}" "${_restart}" "${_restart_recursive}"\ && ex_rtl_log_msg vnfo "Resolved \`${_group_name}' dependencies."\ && PKG_COUNT_MAX="$(ex_rtl_llength "${EX_PKG_NAMES}")"\ && [ "${PKG_COUNT_MAX}" -gt 0 ]; then PKG_NAMES="${EX_PKG_NAMES}"; ex_rtl_fileop mkfifo "${_pipe_path}"; while true; do while [ "${NJOBS:-0}" -gt 0 ] && read _pipe_msg; do case "${_pipe_msg%% *}" in done) : $((NJOBS-=1)); _pkg_name="${_pipe_msg#done * }"; "${_dispatch_fn}" finish_pkg ${_pipe_msg#done }; PKG_COMPLETE="$(ex_rtl_lconcat "${PKG_COMPLETE}" "${_pkg_name}")"; PKG_NAMES="$(ex_rtl_lfilter "${PKG_NAMES}" "${_pkg_name}")"; PKG_WAIT="$(ex_rtl_lfilter "${PKG_WAIT}" "${_pkg_name}")"; if [ -n "${PKG_NAMES}" ] && [ "${_script_rc}" -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${NJOBS}" -ne "${_njobs_max}" ]; then exp_pkg_dispatch_packages "${_dispatch_fn}" "${_group_name}" "${_njobs_max}" \ "${_pipe_path}" "${PKG_COMPLETE}" "${_restart_at}" "${_restart_recursive}"; fi; elif [ "${NJOBS:-0}" -eq 0 ]; then break; fi; ;; fail) : $((NJOBS-=1)); _script_rc=1; "${_dispatch_fn}" fail_pkg ${_pipe_msg#fail }; ;; step) "${_dispatch_fn}" step_pkg ${_pipe_msg#step }; ;; esac; done <>"${_pipe_path}"; if [ -n "${PKG_NAMES}" ] && [ "${_script_rc}" -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${NJOBS}" -ne "${_njobs_max}" ]; then exp_pkg_dispatch_packages "${_dispatch_fn}" "${_group_name}" "${_njobs_max}" \ "${_pipe_path}" "${PKG_COMPLETE}" "${_restart_at}" "${_restart_recursive}"; fi; elif [ "${NJOBS:-0}" -eq 0 ]; then break; fi; done; ex_rtl_fileop rm "${_pipe_path}"; fi; "${_dispatch_fn}" finish_group "${_group_name}" ""; fi; return "${_script_rc}"; }; # vim:filetype=sh textwidth=0