midipix / build / midipix_build

Forked from build/midipix_build 4 years ago
Text Blame History Raw

N.B. If you're interested in building Midipix using this script, please join the project's IRC channel #midipix on Freenode and ask for the address of the internal repositories.

N.B. If in doubt, consult the fault-tolerant & highly optimised 3D laser show-equipped usage screen w/ ./build.sh -h or a hungry lion might eat you alive.

Building a midipix distribution

A Midipix distribution consists of the following: * the native Midipix toolchain, consisting of perk, gcc, its dependencies, and binutils, * musl, a lightweight, fast, simple, and free libc[1] used by Midipix, * the Midipix runtime components that bridge the gap between the libc and the executive subsystems of all Windows NT-derived Windows OS starting with and including Windows XP, and * a steadily increasing number of 3rd party open source packages, as expected in any modern POSIX-compliant *nix environment, including GNU coreutils, shells, libraries such as ncurses, libressl, as well as Perl and Python.

Install the build-time dependencies listed below, clone this repository, and run the following command line within the latter:

./build.sh -a nt64 -b release -D minipix,zipdist -P -v

Build-time dependencies

  • Alpine Linux: binutils bzip2 cmake coreutils curl findutils g++ gawk gcc git grep gzip libc-dev linux-headers lzip make musl-dev net-tools patch perl perl-xml-parser procps sed tar util-linux wget xz zip
  • Debian/-derived Linux: binutils bzip2 clzip cmake coreutils curl findutils g++ gawk gcc git grep gzip hostname libc6-dev libxml-parser-perl lzma make patch perl procps sed tar util-linux wget xz-utils zip
  • OpenSUSE Linux: binutils bzip2 cmake coreutils curl findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ git grep gzip hostname linux-glibc-devel lzip make patch perl perl-XML-Parser procps sed tar util-linux wget xz zip

N.B. Busybox is not supported.

N.B. Some packages (coreutils, grep, and tar, among others) override Alpine's BusyBox utilities of the same name, as the latter are either non- conformant or defective.

Common tasks

Rebuild set of packages in isolation, along w/ their dependencies, if any, as needed, or forcibly, respectively:

./build.sh [ ... ] -r mc,zsh
./build.sh [ ... ] -r \*mc,zsh
./build.sh [ ... ] -r \*\*mc,zsh

Restart the configure, build, and install steps of the coreutils package.

./build.sh -r coreutils:configure,build,install

Rebuild entire build group:

./build.sh [ ... ] -r ALL native_runtime

Fault-tolerant & highly optimised 3D laser show-equipped usage screen

usage: ./build.sh [-a nt32|nt64] [-b debug|release] [-C dir[,..]] [-D kind[,..]] [-F ipv4|ipv6|offline]
                  [-h] [-p jobs] [-P] [-r [*[*]]ALL|LAST|name[,..][:step,..]] [-R] [-v[v[v[v]]]]
                  [--as-needed] [--debug-minipix] [<group>[ ..]]

        -a nt32|nt64      Selects 32-bit or 64-bit architecture; defaults to nt64.
        -b debug|release  Selects debug or release build; defaults to debug.
        -C dir[,..]       Clean build directory (build,) ${PREFIX} before processing build
                          scripts (prefix,) source directory (src,) and/or destination directory
                          (dest) after successful package builds.
        -D kind[,..]      Produce minimal midipix distribution directory (minipix,) RPM binary
                          packages (rpm,) and/or deployable distribution ZIP archive (zipdist.)
                          zipdist implies minipix.
        -F ipv4|ipv6|offline
                          Force IPv4 (ipv4) or IPv6 (ipv6) when downloading package archives
                          and/or Git repositories or don't download either at all (offline.)
        -h                Show this screen.
        -p jobs           Enables parallelisation at group-level, whenever applicable.
        -P                The maximum count of jobs defaults to the number of logical
                          processors on the host system divided by two (2.)
                          If -R is not specified and at least one (1) package fails to build,
                          all remaining package builds will be forcibly aborted for convenience.
        -r [*[*]]ALL[:step,..]|LAST|name[,..][:step,..]
                          Restart all packages/the specified comma-separated package(s)
                          completely or at optionally specified comma-separated step(s)
                          or restart the last failed package and resume build.
                          Prepend w/ `*' to automatically include dependencies and `**' to
                          forcibly rebuild all dependencies.

                          Currently defined steps are:
                          fetch_wget, fetch_git, fetch_extract,
                          configure_patch_pre, configure_autotools, configure_patch, configure,
                          install_subdirs, install_make, install_files, install_libs, install, and install_rpm.
        -R                Ignore build failures, skip printing package logs, and continue
                          building (relaxed mode.)
        -v[v[v[v]]]       Be verbose; -vv: always print package logs; -vvv: set xtrace during package builds; -vvvv: logs fileops.
        --as-needed       Don't build unless the midipix_build repository has received new commits.
        --debug-minipix   Don't strip(1) minipix binaries to facilitate debugging minipix.
        <group>[ ..]      One of: host_deps, host_deps_rpm, host_toolchain, host_tools, minipix,
                          native_packages, native_runtime, native_toolchain, and/or native_tools.

Non-exhaustive list of build variables

The following variables are primarily defined in midipix.env and may be overriden on a per-build basis on the command-line after the last argument, if any, e.g.:

./build.sh -a nt64 -b release -D minipix,zipdist -P -v PREFIX_ROOT="${HOME}/midipix_tmp"

Furthermore, ${HOME}/midipix_build.vars, ${HOME}/.midipix_build.vars, and/or ../midipix_build.vars are sourced during build initialisation and may contain additional overrides, particularly ${DEFAULT_GITROOT_HEAD}.

Variable name Default value Description
ARCH nt64 Target 32-bit (nt32) or 64-bit (nt64) architecture
BUILD debug Build w/ debugging (debug) or release compiler flags
BUILD_DLCACHEDIR ${PREFIX_ROOT}/dlcache Absolute pathname to package downloads cache root directory
BUILD_WORKDIR ${PREFIX}/tmp Absolute pathname to temporary package build root directory
PREFIX ${PREFIX_ROOT}/${ARCH}/${BUILD} Absolute pathname to architecture- & build type-specific build root directory
PREFIX_CROSS ${PREFIX}/${DEFAULT_TARGET} Absolute pathname to toolchain root directory
PREFIX_MINGW32 ${PREFIX}/x86_64-w64-mingw32 Absolute pathname to MinGW toolchain root directory
PREFIX_MINIPIX ${PREFIX}/minipix Absolute pathname to minipix distribution root directory
PREFIX_NATIVE ${PREFIX}/native Absolute pathname to cross-compiled packages root directory
PREFIX_ROOT ${HOME}/midipix Absolute pathname to top-level directory
PREFIX_RPM ${PREFIX}/rpm Absolute pathname to package RPM archive root directory

The following variables are package-specific and receive their value from either top-level defaults defined in midipix.env, build group-specific defaults from the build group the package pertains to and defined in its corresponding file beneath groups/, or package-specific overrides defined either in the latter and/or in its corresponding file beneath vars/. Additionally, overrides may be specified on a per-build basis on the command-line after the last argument, with each variable prefixed w/ PKG_, e.g.: ./build.sh [ ... ] PKG_ZSH_CC="/bin/false". The minimum set of package variables that must be provided is SHA256SUM, URL, VERSION and URLS_GIT, respectively.

Package variable name Description
AR Command- or pathname of toolchain library archive editor (ar(1))
BASE_DIR Absolute pathname to package build root directory beneath ${BUILD_WORKDIR}
BUILD_DIR Directory name of package build directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR}
BUILD_STEPS_DISABLE List of build steps to disable during package build
BUILD_TYPE Cross-compiled toolchain (cross,) host (host,) or cross-compiled package build type
CC Command- or pathname of toolchain C compiler (cc(1))
CFLAGS_BUILD_EXTRA Additional C compiler flags during package (make(1)) build
CFLAGS_CONFIGURE C compiler flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration
CFLAGS_CONFIGURE_EXTRA Additional C compiler flags during package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration
CONFIG_CACHE List of GNU autotools configuration cache variables
CONFIG_CACHE_EXTRA Additional list of GNU autotools configuration cache variables
CONFIG_CACHE_LOCAL Additional list of GNU autotools configuration cache variables
CONFIGURE Command- or pathname to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration script
CONFIGURE_ARGS List of arguments to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration script
CONFIGURE_ARGS_EXTRA Additional list of arguments to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration script
CXX Command- or pathname of toolchain C++ compiler (c++(1))
CXXFLAGS_CONFIGURE List of C++ compiler flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration
CXXFLAGS_CONFIGURE_EXTRA Additional list of C++ compiler flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration
DEPENDS List of package-package dependencies
DESTDIR Directory name of package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR}
DISABLED Disable package
ENV_VARS_EXTRA List of double colon-separated environment variable equality sign-separated name-value pairs to set during package build
FNAME Filename of package archive file
FORCE_AUTORECONF Forcibly run autoreconf -fiv prior to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration
GITROOT midipix packages Git URL prefix
INHERIT_FROM Inherit variables from named package
INSTALL_FILES Whitespace-separated list of files to manually install into the package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR}
INSTALL_FILES_DESTDIR Whitespace-separated list of files to initialise the package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR} with
INSTALL_FILES_DESTDIR_EXTRA Additional whitespace-separated list of files to initialise the package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR} with
INSTALL_TARGET Name of package build make(1) installation target
INSTALL_TARGET_EXTRA Additional name of package build make(1) installation target
IN_TREE Build package in-tree within ${PKG_SUBDIR}
LDFLAGS_BUILD_EXTRA Additional linker flags during package (make(1)) build
LDFLAGS_CONFIGURE Linker flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration
LDFLAGS_CONFIGURE_EXTRA Additional linker flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration
LIBTOOL Command- or pathname of libtool
MAKE Command line of make(1)
MAKEFLAGS_BUILD List of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) build
MAKEFLAGS_BUILD_EXTRA Additional list of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) build
MAKEFLAGS_INSTALL List of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) installation
MAKEFLAGS_INSTALL_EXTRA Additional list of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) installation
MAKE_INSTALL_VNAME Variable name of make(1) installation destination directory variable during package (make(1)) installation
NO_CLEAN Inhibit cleaning of package build directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR} pre-finish
NO_CLEAN_BASE_DIR Inhibit cleaning of package build root directory beneath ${BUILD_WORKDIR}
NO_LOG_VARS Inhibit logging of build & package variables pre-package build
PATCHES_EXTRA Additional list of patches to apply
PKG_CONFIG Command- or pathname of pkg-config(1)
PKG_CONFIG_PATH pkg-config(1) search path
PKGLIST_DISABLE Inhibit inclusion into ${PREFIX}/pkglist.${PKG_BUILD_TYPE}
PREFIX Absolute pathname of top-level installation directory and package search path
PYTHON Command- or pathname of Python
RANLIB Command- or pathname of toolchain library archive index generator (ranlib(1))
RPM_DISABLE Inhibit creation of RPM archive
SHA256SUM SHA-256 message digest of package archive
SUBDIR Name of extracted archive or git-{clone,pull}(1)'d directory
TARGET Dash-separated {build,host,target} triplet
URL URL to package archive
URLS_GIT List of package Git URL(s) (name=URL@branch)
VERSION Package version


  • Sun, 25 Apr 2016 09:04:08 +0000 [1] musl FAQ
