Redfoxmoon / cross / slibtool

Forked from cross/slibtool a year ago


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# slibtool
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`slibtool` is an independent reimplementation of the commonly used libtool,
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written in C. `slibtool` is designed to be a clean, fast, easy-to-use
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libtool drop-in replacement, and is accordingly aimed at package authors,
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distro developers, and system integrators. `slibtool` maintains compatibility
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with libtool in nearly every aspect of the tool's functionality as well as
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semantics, leaving out (or turning into no-ops) only a small number of
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features that are no longer needed on modern systems.
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Being a compiled binary, and although not primarily written for the sake of
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performance, building a package with `slibtool` is often faster than with its
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script-based counterpart. The resulting performance gain would normally vary
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between packages, and is most noticeable in builds that invoke libtool a large
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number of times, and which are characterized by the short compilation time of
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individual translation units.
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## Requirements for building slibtool
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- a C toolchain, consisting of...
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    - a C compiler such as gcc, clang, or [cparser].
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    - The compiler should support -std=c99.
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    - The system's libc should support -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700.
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## Usage
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With most packages, simply adding `LIBTOOL=slibtool` to the `make` invocation
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should suffice. To have `slibtool` operate in debug mode (outputting a colorized
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raw argument vector), use `LIBTOOL=dlibtool` instead, or alternatively add
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`--debug` to the libtool flags inside of your Makefile.
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### Corner cases
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Some programs which make heavy use of recursive `make` are known to drop the
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`LIBTOOL` value at some point in the process, and as such you may additionally
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need to export the environment variable; `export MAKE="make LIBTOOL=slibtool"`.
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`slibtool` additionally installs two symlinks that are the equivalent of
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`-disable-shared` and `-disable-static`, named `slibtool-static` and
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`slibtool-shared`, respectively. These symlinks should be used when building
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packages that have the above switches hard-coded into the generated libtool
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script; two examples of such packages are `binutils` and `gdb`, which both have
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shared library builds disabled by default. A quick way to determine whether this
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invocation form is appropriate is to run `./libtool --features` from the build
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directory, then check whether the output has either shared or static library
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builds disabled.
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## Differences from GNU libtool
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While `slibtool` aims to be compatible with all common usages of libtool, there
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are a few differences at the implementation level that should be noted.
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- `-rpath` argument values are passed to the compiler and linker as needed only;
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  `-rpath` is often [mis]used by libtool to add redundant paths to a program's
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  linker search path. When using slibtool, `-rpath` argument values are only
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  forwarded to the compiler and linker when pointing to non-default linker
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  directories, and are accordingly filtered out when pointing to default library
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  locations (i.e. `/usr/lib`, `/lib`, and so on).
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- no-ops
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    - `-R`, which adds a path to the generated program's run-time search path;
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      this switch is currently not needed, and is accordingly ignored.
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    - `-export-symbols`, which exports symbols listed in a given file, and
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      `-export-symbols-regex`, which exports symbols matching a regex;
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      both are unimplemented because similar functionality has long been
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      provided by the compiler or toolchain; `gcc` has supported setting ELF
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      visibility since v4.0, for instance, and PE import library support is
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      provided by slibtool via the --output-def linker switch and a subsequent
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      invocation of dlltool.
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    - `-no-install`, which considers the executable wrapper to be optional;
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      this switch is not needed on modern systems, and is accordingly ignored.
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- No `libltdl`.
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  libltdl is nowadays no longer needed; it serves to provide a `dlopen()`
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  functionality on systems which do not offer it, i.e. HP-UX and BeOS,
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  however since neither HP-UX nor BeOS is currently supported by slibtool,
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  there exists no urgent need to provide equivalent functionality.
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## Development
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Major changes to slibtool should be discussed on [#midipix] prior to pursuing
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a considerable effort, and patches should be sent, gpg-signed, to the project
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maintainer; before hacking on slibtool, please take a moment of your time and
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read the [CONTRIB] document.
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Before finalizing your changes, please consider building at least once with
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`cparser` as the compiler. cparser is excellent at catching logical errors
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and semantic flaws, and at the time of this writing is capable of spotting
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some errors that go unnoticed by the other major open source compilers.
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For a few examples of such errors, see commits [94d109f], [1142bf2], and
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## License
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`slibtool` is distributed under a permissive [MIT license].
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[MIT license]:
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[#midipix]:     irc://
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