diff --git a/patches/dropbear-2017.75.local.patch b/patches/dropbear-2017.75.local.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f8f7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/dropbear-2017.75.local.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+diff -ru dropbear-2017.75.orig/configure dropbear-2017.75/configure
+--- dropbear-2017.75.orig/configure	2017-05-18 16:47:03.000000000 +0200
++++ dropbear-2017.75/configure	2017-08-23 17:34:07.708548199 +0200
+@@ -6793,20 +6793,22 @@
+ fi
+-# Solaris needs ptmx
+-if test -z "$no_ptmx_check" ; then
+-	if test x"$cross_compiling" = x"no" ; then
+-		if test -e /dev/ptmx ; then
++#Why no config.cache checking?!
+ $as_echo "#define USE_DEV_PTMX /**/" >>confdefs.h
+-		fi
+-	else
+-		{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Not checking for /dev/ptmx, we're cross-compiling" >&5
+-$as_echo "$as_me: Not checking for /dev/ptmx, we're cross-compiling" >&6;}
+-	fi
++# Solaris needs ptmx
++#if test -z "$no_ptmx_check" ; then
++#	if test x"$cross_compiling" = x"no" ; then
++#		if test -e /dev/ptmx ; then
++#$as_echo "#define USE_DEV_PTMX /**/" >>confdefs.h
++#		fi
++#	else
++#		{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Not checking for /dev/ptmx, we're cross-compiling" >&5
++#$as_echo "$as_me: Not checking for /dev/ptmx, we're cross-compiling" >&6;}
++#	fi
+ if test -z "$no_ptc_check" ; then
+ 	if test x"$cross_compiling" = x"no" ; then
+diff -ru dropbear-2017.75.orig/includes.h dropbear-2017.75/includes.h
+--- dropbear-2017.75.orig/includes.h	2017-05-18 16:47:02.000000000 +0200
++++ dropbear-2017.75/includes.h	2017-08-23 17:23:59.379752797 +0200
+@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
+ typedef u_int32_t uint32_t;
+ #endif /* HAVE_UINT32_T */
+-#ifdef SO_PRIORITY
++#if defined(SO_PRIORITY) && !defined(__midipix__)
+ #include <linux/types.h>
+ #include <linux/pkt_sched.h>
+ #endif
+diff -ru dropbear-2017.75.orig/netio.c dropbear-2017.75/netio.c
+--- dropbear-2017.75.orig/netio.c	2017-05-18 16:47:02.000000000 +0200
++++ dropbear-2017.75/netio.c	2017-08-23 17:25:34.759249812 +0200
+@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
+ 	}
+ #endif
+-#ifdef SO_PRIORITY
++#if defined(SO_PRIORITY) && !defined(__midipix__)
+ 	if (prio == DROPBEAR_PRIO_LOWDELAY) {
+ 		so_prio_val = TC_PRIO_INTERACTIVE;
+ 	} else if (prio == DROPBEAR_PRIO_BULK) {
+diff -ru dropbear-2017.75.orig/options.h dropbear-2017.75/options.h
+--- dropbear-2017.75.orig/options.h	2017-05-18 16:47:02.000000000 +0200
++++ dropbear-2017.75/options.h	2017-08-23 17:27:15.962716376 +0200
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+ several kB in binary size however will make the symmetrical ciphers and hashes
+ slower, perhaps by 50%. Recommended for small systems that aren't doing
+ much traffic. */
++/*#define DROPBEAR_SMALL_CODE*/ /* NO! */
+ /* Enable X11 Forwarding - server only */
+ #define ENABLE_X11FWD
+@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
+ /* The default path. This will often get replaced by the shell */
+-#define DEFAULT_PATH "/usr/bin:/bin"
++#define DEFAULT_PATH "/bin"
+ /* Some other defines (that mostly should be left alone) are defined
+  * in sysoptions.h */
diff --git a/patches/dropbear/dropbear-shell-detection-hack.patch b/patches/dropbear/dropbear-shell-detection-hack.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe520c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/dropbear/dropbear-shell-detection-hack.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -ru dropbear-2017.75.orig/svr-auth.c dropbear-2017.75/svr-auth.c
+--- dropbear-2017.75.orig/svr-auth.c	2017-05-18 16:47:02.000000000 +0200
++++ dropbear-2017.75/svr-auth.c	2017-08-23 17:38:21.843211002 +0200
+@@ -300,6 +300,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	/* no matching shell */
+ 	endusershell();
+ 	TRACE(("no matching shell"))
+ 	dropbear_log(LOG_WARNING, "User '%s' has invalid shell, rejected",
+ 				ses.authstate.pw_name);
diff --git a/vars/build.vars b/vars/build.vars
index 4fbf297..9d10537 100644
--- a/vars/build.vars
+++ b/vars/build.vars
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ LEAF_PACKAGES_LDFLAGS_CONFIGURE="--sysroot=${PREFIX_NATIVE}";
 apk_tools bash bc bdwgc bind bison chicken clang_host coreutils cparser cron dash datamash diffutils
-dos2unix ed figlet file findutils gawk git gnupg grep hexcurse htop inetutils infounzip infozip irssi
+dos2unix dropbear ed figlet file findutils gawk git gnupg grep hexcurse htop inetutils infounzip infozip irssi
 john ldns less lighttpd lynx make man_db mc mksh mtr nano netcat nginx openlitespeed openssh p7zip
 pacman patch perl procps_ng python3 qpdf rsync rxvt_unicode sed smallbasic socat tar tcsh the_silver_searcher
 tmux util_linux vim weechat wget which whois xeyes xwd zsh";
@@ -597,6 +597,10 @@ LEAF_PACKAGES_PREFIX="${PREFIX_NATIVE}";
 : ${PKG_DOS2UNIX_INSTALL_FILES:="dos2unix=bin/ dos2unix=bin/ @dos2unix=bin/mac2unix @unix2dos=bin/unix2mac"};
+: ${PKG_DROPBEAR_VERSION:=2017.75};
+: ${PKG_DROPBEAR_URL:=https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/releases/dropbear-${PKG_DROPBEAR_VERSION}.tar.bz2};
+: ${PKG_DROPBEAR_SHA256SUM:=6cbc1dcb1c9709d226dff669e5604172a18cf5dbf9a201474d5618ae4465098c};
+: ${PKG_DROPBEAR_CONFIGURE_ARGS_EXTRA:=--disable-loginfunc --disable-openpty};
 : ${PKG_ED_SHA256SUM:=c3521a607b3dfd5d2a087d53a72cdf71970763059c369cb0b330881b8491cd50};
 : ${PKG_ED_VERSION:=1.14.2};
 : ${PKG_ED_URL:=https://fossies.org/linux/privat/ed-${PKG_ED_VERSION}.tar.gz};
@@ -811,9 +815,9 @@ fi;
 : ${PKG_RXVT_UNICODE_URL:=http://dist.schmorp.de/rxvt-unicode/rxvt-unicode-${PKG_RXVT_UNICODE_VERSION}.tar.bz2};
 : ${PKG_RXVT_UNICODE_CONFIGURE_ARGS_EXTRA:=--disable-perl --disable-lastlog --disable-utmp --disable-wtmp};
-: ${PKG_SED_SHA256SUM:=f048d1838da284c8bc9753e4506b85a1e0cc1ea8999d36f6995bcb9460cddbd7};
-: ${PKG_SED_VERSION:=4.2.2};
-: ${PKG_SED_URL:=https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/sed/sed-${PKG_SED_VERSION}.tar.bz2};
+: ${PKG_SED_SHA256SUM:=cbd6ebc5aaf080ed60d0162d7f6aeae58211a1ee9ba9bb25623daa6cd942683b};
+: ${PKG_SED_VERSION:=4.4};
+: ${PKG_SED_URL:=https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/sed/sed-${PKG_SED_VERSION}.tar.xz};
 : ${PKG_SMALLBASIC_URLS_GIT:="SmallBASIC=https://github.com/smallbasic/SmallBASIC@master"};