Conan_Kudo / build / midipix_build

Forked from build/midipix_build 4 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
> N.B. If you're interested in building Midipix using this script, please join
the project's IRC channel #midipix on Freenode and ask for the address of the
internal repositories required in order to build Midipix.

[//]: # "{{{ Table of contents"
# Table of Contents  

1. [What is midipix, and how is it different?](#1-what-is-midipix-and-how-is-it-different)  
2. [Building a midipix distribution](#2-building-a-midipix-distribution)  
	2.1. [Build-time dependencies](#2-1-build-time-dependencies)  
		2.1.1. [Alpine-specific notate bene](2-1-1-alpine-specific-notate-bene)  
	2.2. [Deployment](#2-2-deployment)  
	2.3. [System requirements](#2-3-system-requirements)  
3. [Common tasks](#3-common-tasks)  
	3.1. [Fault-tolerant & highly optimised 3D laser show-equipped usage screen](#3-1-fault-tolerant--highly-optimised-3d-laser-show-equipped-usage-screen)  
5. [Build variables](#5-build-variables)  
	5.1. [Package variables](#5-1-package-variables)  
6. [References](#6-references)  

[//]: "}}}"

[//]: # "{{{ 1. What is midipix, and how is it different?"

midipix[\[3](#r3)] is a development environment that lets you create programs for
Windows using the standard C and POSIX APIs. No compromises made, no shortcuts

If you are interested in cross-platform programming that reclaims the notion of
write once, compile everywhere; if you believe that the 'standard' in the C
Standard Library should not be a null signifier; and if you like cooking your
code without #ifdef hell and low-level minutiae, then this page is for you.

midipix makes cross-platform programming better, simpler and faster,
specifically by bringing a modern, conforming C Runtime Library to the Windows
platform. While the idea itself is not new, the approach taken in midipix to
code portability is radically different from that found in other projects.

*(reproduced from [\[3](#r3)])*
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[//]: "}}}"

[//]: # "{{{ 2. Building a midipix distribution"
## 2. Building a midipix distribution

A Midipix distribution consists of the following:
* the native Midipix toolchain, consisting of perk, gcc, its dependencies,
  and binutils,
* musl, a lightweight, fast, simple, and free libc[\[1](#r1)] used by Midipix,
* the Midipix runtime components that bridge the gap between the libc and the
  executive subsystems of all Windows NT-derived Windows OS starting with and
  including Windows XP, and
* a steadily increasing number of 3rd party open source packages, as expected in
  any modern POSIX-compliant \*nix environment, including GNU coreutils, shells,
  libraries such as ncurses, libressl, as well as Perl and Python.

Install the build-time dependencies listed in [2.1](#2-1-build-time-dependencies),  
clone this repository, and run the following command line:

./ -a nt64 -b release -D minipix,zipdist -P -v

By default, the build will take place within ``${HOME}/midipix/nt64/release``
and package archive files and/or Git repositores will be downloaded into
``${HOME}/midipix/dlcache``. Consult [\[3.1](#3-1-fault-tolerant--highly-optimised-3d-laser-show-equipped-usage-screen)][\[5](#5-build-variables)][\[5.1](#5-1-package-variables)]
for the list of available build variables and how to override them.
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[//]: # "}}}"
[//]: # "{{{ 2.1. Build-time dependencies"
### 2.1. Build-time dependencies

* **Alpine Linux**: binutils bzip2 cmake coreutils curl findutils g++ gawk gcc
		    git grep gzip libc-dev linux-headers lzip make musl-dev
		    net-tools patch perl perl-xml-parser procps sed tar
		    util-linux wget xz zip
* **Debian/-derived Linux**: binutils bzip2 clzip cmake coreutils curl findutils
			     g++ gawk gcc git grep gzip hostname libc6-dev
			     libxml-parser-perl lzma make patch perl procps sed
			     tar util-linux wget xz-utils zip
* **OpenSUSE Linux**: binutils bzip2 cmake coreutils curl findutils gawk gcc
		      gcc-c++ git grep gzip hostname linux-glibc-devel lzip make
		      patch perl perl-XML-Parser procps sed tar util-linux wget
		      xz zip

> N.B. Busybox is not supported.
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[//]: # "}}}"
[//]: # "{{{ 2.1.1. Alpine-specific notate bene"
#### 2.1.1. Alpine-specific notate bene

Some packages (*coreutils*, *grep*, and *tar*, among others) override Alpine's
BusyBox utilities of the same name, as the latter are either non-conformant or
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[//]: # "}}}"
[//]: # "{{{ 2.2. Deployment"
### 2.2. Deployment

On successful completion of the build, a ZIP archive containing the Midipix
distribution will be created. Extract its contents on the target machine, run
``bash.bat``, and then ``/`` inside the resulting self-contained
Midipix installation shell window.
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[//]: # "}}}"
[//]: # "{{{ 2.3. System requirements"
### 2.3. System requirements

The following system requirements are assessed on build hosts equipped with the
following hardware at minimum:
* Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3520 @ 2.67GHz (8 cores)
* 7200 RPM SATA 3.1 HDD
* 6 GB RAM

| Target architecture | Build type | Distribution kinds selected | Average build time | Disk space required |
| ------------------- | ---------- | --------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------- |
| nt64                | debug      | minipix,rpm,zipdist         | 2 hours            | 57.60 GB            |
| nt64                | release    | minipix,rpm,zipdist         | 1 hours 45 minutes | 35.16 GB            |

Package archive files and/or Git repositories additionally consume at least
1.70 GB.

*(last update: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 14:07:26 +0000)*
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[//]: # "}}}"

[//]: # "{{{ 3. Common tasks"
## 3. Common tasks

Rebuild set of packages in isolation, along w/ their dependencies, if any, as
needed, or forcibly, respectively:
./ [ ... ] -r mc,zsh
./ [ ... ] -r \*mc,zsh
./ [ ... ] -r \*\*mc,zsh

Restart the ``configure``, ``build``, and ``install`` steps of the ``coreutils``
./ -r coreutils:configure,build,install

Rebuild entire build group:
./ [ ... ] -r ALL native_runtime
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[//]: # "}}}"
[//]: # "{{{ 3.1. Fault-tolerant & highly optimised 3D laser show-equipped usage screen"
## 3.1. Fault-tolerant & highly optimised 3D laser show-equipped usage screen

usage: ./ [-a nt32|nt64] [-b debug|release] [-C dir[,..]] [-D kind[,..]] [-F ipv4|ipv6|offline]
                  [-h] [-p jobs] [-P] [-r [*[*]]ALL|LAST|name[,..][:step,..]] [-R] [-v[v[v[v]]]]
                  [--as-needed] [--debug-minipix] [<group>[ ..]]

        -a nt32|nt64      Selects 32-bit or 64-bit architecture; defaults to nt64.
        -b debug|release  Selects debug or release build; defaults to debug.
        -C dir[,..]       Clean build directory (build,) ${PREFIX} before processing build
                          scripts (prefix,) source directory (src,) and/or destination directory
                          (dest) after successful package builds.
        -D kind[,..]      Produce minimal midipix distribution directory (minipix,) RPM binary
                          packages (rpm,) and/or deployable distribution ZIP archive (zipdist.)
                          zipdist implies minipix.
        -F ipv4|ipv6|offline
                          Force IPv4 (ipv4) or IPv6 (ipv6) when downloading package archives
                          and/or Git repositories or don't download either at all (offline.)
        -h                Show this screen.
        -p jobs           Enables parallelisation at group-level, whenever applicable.
        -P                The maximum count of jobs defaults to the number of logical
                          processors on the host system divided by two (2.)
                          If -R is not specified and at least one (1) package fails to build,
                          all remaining package builds will be forcibly aborted for convenience.
        -r [*[*]]ALL[:step,..]|LAST|name[,..][:step,..]
                          Restart all packages/the specified comma-separated package(s)
                          completely or at optionally specified comma-separated step(s)
                          or restart the last failed package and resume build.
                          Prepend w/ `*' to automatically include dependencies and `**' to
                          forcibly rebuild all dependencies.

                          Currently defined steps are:
                          fetch_wget, fetch_git, fetch_extract,
                          configure_patch_pre, configure_autotools, configure_patch, configure,
                          install_subdirs, install_make, install_files, install_libs, install, and install_rpm.
        -R                Ignore build failures, skip printing package logs, and continue
                          building (relaxed mode.)
        -v[v[v[v]]]       Be verbose; -vv: always print package logs; -vvv: set xtrace during package builds; -vvvv: logs fileops.
        --as-needed       Don't build unless the midipix_build repository has received new commits.
        --debug-minipix   Don't strip(1) minipix binaries to facilitate debugging minipix.
        <group>[ ..]      One of: host_deps, host_deps_rpm, host_toolchain, host_tools, minipix,
                          native_packages, native_runtime, native_toolchain, and/or native_tools.
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[//]: # "}}}"

[//]: # "{{{ 5. Build variables"
## 5. Build variables

The following variables are primarily defined in ``midipix.env`` and may be
overriden on a per-build basis on the command-line after the last argument,
if any, e.g.:

./ -a nt64 -b release -D minipix,zipdist -P -v PREFIX_ROOT="${HOME}/midipix_tmp"

Furthermore, ``${HOME}/midipix_build.vars``, ``${HOME}/.midipix_build.vars``,
and/or ``../midipix_build.vars`` are sourced during build initialisation and
may contain additional overrides, particularly ``${DEFAULT_GITROOT_HEAD}``.

| Variable name    | Default value                   | Description                                                                   |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ARCH             | nt64                            | Target 32-bit (nt32) or 64-bit (nt64) architecture                            |
| BUILD            | debug                           | Build w/ debugging (debug) or release compiler flags                          |
| BUILD_DLCACHEDIR | ${PREFIX_ROOT}/dlcache          | Absolute pathname to package downloads cache root directory                   |
| BUILD_WORKDIR    | ${PREFIX}/tmp                   | Absolute pathname to temporary package build root directory                   |
| PREFIX           | ${PREFIX_ROOT}/${ARCH}/${BUILD} | Absolute pathname to architecture- & build type-specific build root directory |
| PREFIX_CROSS     | ${PREFIX}/${DEFAULT_TARGET}     | Absolute pathname to toolchain root directory                                 |
| PREFIX_MINGW32   | ${PREFIX}/x86_64-w64-mingw32    | Absolute pathname to MinGW toolchain root directory                           |
| PREFIX_MINIPIX   | ${PREFIX}/minipix               | Absolute pathname to minipix distribution root directory                      |
| PREFIX_NATIVE    | ${PREFIX}/native                | Absolute pathname to cross-compiled packages root directory                   |
| PREFIX_ROOT      | ${HOME}/midipix                 | Absolute pathname to top-level directory                                      |
| PREFIX_RPM       | ${PREFIX}/rpm                   | Absolute pathname to package RPM archive root directory                       |
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[//]: # "}}}"
[//]: # "{{{ 5.1. Package variables"
## 5.1. Package variables

The following variables are package-specific and receive their value from either
top-level defaults defined in ``midipix.env``, build group-specific defaults
from the build group the package pertains to and defined in its corresponding
file beneath ``groups/``, or package-specific overrides defined either in the
latter and/or in its corresponding file beneath ``vars/``. Additionally,
overrides may be specified on a per-build basis on the command-line after the
last argument, with each variable prefixed w/ ``PKG_``, e.g.: ``./
[ ... ] PKG_ZSH_CC="/bin/false"``.  
The minimum set of package variables that must be provided is ``SHA256SUM, URL,
VERSION`` and/or ``URLS_GIT``, respectively.

| Package variable name       | Description                                                                                                                             |
| --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| AR                          | Command- or pathname of toolchain library archive editor (ar(1))                                                                        |
| BASE_DIR                    | Absolute pathname to package build root directory beneath ${BUILD_WORKDIR}                                                              |
| BUILD_DIR                   | Directory name of package build directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR}                                                                       |
| BUILD_STEPS_DISABLE         | List of build steps to disable during package build                                                                                     |
| BUILD_TYPE                  | Cross-compiled toolchain (cross,) host (host,) or cross-compiled package build type                                                     |
| CC                          | Command- or pathname of toolchain C compiler (cc(1))                                                                                    |
| CFLAGS_BUILD_EXTRA          | Additional C compiler flags during package (make(1)) build                                                                              |
| CFLAGS_CONFIGURE            | C compiler flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration                                                                    |
| CFLAGS_CONFIGURE_EXTRA      | Additional C compiler flags during package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration                                                     |
| CONFIG_CACHE                | List of GNU autotools configuration cache variables                                                                                     |
| CONFIG_CACHE_EXTRA          | Additional list of GNU autotools configuration cache variables                                                                          |
| CONFIG_CACHE_LOCAL          | Additional list of GNU autotools configuration cache variables                                                                          |
| CONFIGURE                   | Command- or pathname to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration script                                                         |
| CONFIGURE_ARGS              | List of arguments to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration script                                                            |
| CONFIGURE_ARGS_EXTRA        | Additional list of arguments to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration script                                                 |
| CXX                         | Command- or pathname of toolchain C++ compiler (c++(1))                                                                                 |
| CXXFLAGS_CONFIGURE          | List of C++ compiler flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration                                                          |
| CXXFLAGS_CONFIGURE_EXTRA    | Additional list of C++ compiler flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration                                               |
| DEPENDS                     | List of package-package dependencies                                                                                                    |
| DESTDIR                     | Directory name of package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR}                                                    |
| DISABLED                    | Disable package                                                                                                                         |
| ENV_VARS_EXTRA              | List of double colon-separated environment variable equality sign-separated name-value pairs to set during package build                |
| FNAME                       | Filename of package archive file                                                                                                        |
| FORCE_AUTORECONF            | Forcibly run autoreconf -fiv prior to package (GNU autotools or similar) configuration                                                  |
| GITROOT                     | midipix packages Git URL prefix                                                                                                         |
| INHERIT_FROM                | Inherit variables from named package                                                                                                    |
| INSTALL_FILES               | Whitespace-separated list of files to manually install into the package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR}      |
| INSTALL_FILES_DESTDIR       | Whitespace-separated list of files to initialise the package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR} with            |
| INSTALL_FILES_DESTDIR_EXTRA | Additional whitespace-separated list of files to initialise the package installation destination directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR} with |
| INSTALL_TARGET              | Name of package build make(1) installation target                                                                                       |
| INSTALL_TARGET_EXTRA        | Additional name of package build make(1) installation target                                                                            |
| IN_TREE                     | Build package in-tree within ${PKG_SUBDIR}                                                                                              |
| LDFLAGS_BUILD_EXTRA         | Additional linker flags during package (make(1)) build                                                                                  |
| LDFLAGS_CONFIGURE           | Linker flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration                                                                        |
| LDFLAGS_CONFIGURE_EXTRA     | Additional linker flags during package (autotools or similar) configuration                                                             |
| LIBTOOL                     | Command- or pathname of libtool                                                                                                         |
| MAKE                        | Command line of make(1)                                                                                                                 |
| MAKEFLAGS_BUILD             | List of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) build                                                                                    |
| MAKEFLAGS_BUILD_EXTRA       | Additional list of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) build                                                                         |
| MAKEFLAGS_INSTALL           | List of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) installation                                                                             |
| MAKEFLAGS_INSTALL_EXTRA     | Additional list of make(1) flags during package (make(1)) installation                                                                  |
| MAKE_INSTALL_VNAME          | Variable name of make(1) installation destination directory variable during package (make(1)) installation                              |
| NO_CLEAN                    | Inhibit cleaning of package build directory beneath ${PKG_BASE_DIR} pre-finish                                                          |
| NO_CLEAN_BASE_DIR           | Inhibit cleaning of package build root directory beneath ${BUILD_WORKDIR}                                                               |
| NO_LOG_VARS                 | Inhibit logging of build & package variables pre-package build                                                                          |
| PATCHES_EXTRA               | Additional list of patches to apply                                                                                                     |
| PKG_CONFIG                  | Command- or pathname of pkg-config(1)                                                                                                   |
| PKG_CONFIG_PATH             | pkg-config(1) search path                                                                                                               |
| PKGLIST_DISABLE             | Inhibit inclusion into ${PREFIX}/pkglist.${PKG_BUILD_TYPE}                                                                              |
| PREFIX                      | Absolute pathname of top-level installation directory and package search path                                                           |
| PYTHON                      | Command- or pathname of Python                                                                                                          |
| RANLIB                      | Command- or pathname of toolchain library archive index generator (ranlib(1))                                                           |
| RPM_DISABLE                 | Inhibit creation of RPM archive                                                                                                         |
| SHA256SUM                   | SHA-256 message digest of package archive                                                                                               |
| SUBDIR                      | Name of extracted archive or git-{clone,pull}(1)'d directory                                                                            |
| TARGET                      | Dash-separated {build,host,target} triplet                                                                                              |
| URL                         | URL to package archive                                                                                                                  |
| URLS_GIT                    | List of package Git URL(s) (*name*=*URL*@*branch*)                                                                                      |
| VERSION                     | Package version                                                                                                                         |
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[//]: # "}}}"

[//]: # "{{{ 6. References"
## 6. References

* ``Sun, 25 Apr 2016 09:04:08 +0000 [1]`` <a href="" id="r1">musl FAQ</a>  
* ``Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:57:39 +0000 [2]`` <a href="" id="r2">midipix</a>  
* ``Wed, 04 Mar 2020 13:36:19 +0000 [3]`` <a href="" id="r3">midipix - what is midipix, and how is it different?</a>  
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[//]: # "}}}"
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