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tpax: a topological pax implementation.
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This project has the twofold aim of:
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a) providing a standards-compliant pax(1) implementation.
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b) providing a means for the creation of reproducible ustar archives.
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In order to accomplish the latter aim, tpax defines and accepts as
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a format argument the ``rustar'' (reproducible ustar) format.
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A reproducible ustar archive is an archive conforming to posix ustar
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interchange format specification that specially handles the uid, gid,
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uname, gname, name, and prefix fields, specifically in the following
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* the `uid' and `gid' fields consist of 8 zero ('0') characters each.
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* the `gname' and `uname' fields consist of 32 null characters each.
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* the `name' and `prefix' fields are populated as follows:
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- if a path name (not including the terminall null-character) can fit
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in the `name' field alone (that is, when strlen(pathname) <= 100),
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then only the `name' field shall be used.
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- otherwise, the name field shall be used for as few directory elements
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as possible, but not less that one directory element (namely the last
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element, also known as the path's base name), and the `prefix' field
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shall be used for the remainder of the path name.