#34 Packages that incorrectly link against non-external shared object(s) w/o utilising Libtool archive files (WIP)
Closed 10 months ago by orbea. Opened 3 years ago by lalbornoz.

The following packages incorrectly link against non-external shared object(s) w/o utilising Libtool archive files (WIP):

app-text/texlive-core (Gentoo Linux) as of at least 2020-r12
dev-util/colm (Gentoo Linux) as of at least 0.14.6
x11-misc/xnee (Gentoo Linux) as of at least 3.19-r2

dev-util/colm still builds for me, how about you?

I retested dev-util/colm-0.14.7-r3 and app-text/texlive-core-2021-r7 without issues while x11-misc/xnee was removed from Gentoo a while ago, so lets close this.

Metadata Update from @orbea:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

10 months ago

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