diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
index 34bb21c..8ccdfd0 100755
--- a/build.sh
+++ b/build.sh
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ build() {
 	if [ "${_rc}" -ne 0 ]; then
-		rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${_status}";
+		rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "0;${_status}";
 	elif [ -n "${_status}" ]; then
-		rtl_log_msg "info" "${_status}";
+		rtl_log_msg "info" "0;${_status}";
diff --git a/etc/build.msgs.en b/etc/build.msgs.en
index 9eee95b..59578e1 100644
--- a/etc/build.msgs.en
+++ b/etc/build.msgs.en
@@ -2,38 +2,38 @@
 # en_* locale messages file for build.sh
-MSG_build_aborted="Build aborted.";
-MSG_build_begin="Build started by %s@%s at %s.";
-MSG_build_clean_prefix="-C prefix specified, cleaning prefix...";
-MSG_build_failed_in="Build failed in \`%s', check \`%s' for details.";
-MSG_build_finish="%s finished, %s skipped, and %s failed package(s).";
-MSG_build_finish_time="Build time: %s hour(s), %s minute(s), and %s second(s).";
-MSG_build_killed_pids="Killed PID(s): %s";
-MSG_build_reset_pkg_state="Reset package state for: %s";
-MSG_build_resolved_deps="Resolved \`%s' dependencies.";
-MSG_build_resolving_deps="Resolving \`%s' dependencies...";
-MSG_build_unknown_dep="Error: dependency \`%s' of \`%s' unknown.";
+MSG_build_aborted="0;Build aborted.";
+MSG_build_begin="3;Build started by %s@%s at %s.";
+MSG_build_clean_prefix="0;-C prefix specified, cleaning prefix...";
+MSG_build_failed_in="2;Build failed in \`%s', check \`%s' for details.";
+MSG_build_finish="3;%s finished, %s skipped, and %s failed package(s).";
+MSG_build_finish_time="3;Build time: %s hour(s), %s minute(s), and %s second(s).";
+MSG_build_killed_pids="1;Killed PID(s): %s";
+MSG_build_reset_pkg_state="1;Reset package state for: %s";
+MSG_build_resolved_deps="1;Resolved \`%s' dependencies.";
+MSG_build_resolving_deps="1;Resolving \`%s' dependencies...";
+MSG_build_unknown_dep="2;Error: dependency \`%s' of \`%s' unknown.";
-MSG_group_begin="[%3d%%     ] [%03d/%03d] Starting \`%s' build group...";
-MSG_group_finish="[%3d%%     ] [%03d/%03d] Finished \`%s' build group.";
+MSG_group_begin="4;[%3d%%     ] [%03d/%03d] Starting \`%s' build group...";
+MSG_group_finish="4;[%3d%%     ] [%03d/%03d] Finished \`%s' build group.";
-MSG_pkg_begin="[%3d%%/%3d%%] [%03d/%03d] Starting \`%s' build...";
-MSG_pkg_faildump1="Logged environment dump for failed package \`%s' to \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkg_faildump2="Enter an interactive package build shell w/ the command line: ./pkgtool.sh -a %s -b %s \"%s\" PREFIX=\"%s\"";
+MSG_pkg_begin="5;[%3d%%/%3d%%] [%03d/%03d] Starting \`%s' build...";
+MSG_pkg_faildump1="2;Logged environment dump for failed package \`%s' to \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkg_faildump2="4;Enter an interactive package build shell w/ the command line: ./pkgtool.sh -a %s -b %s \"%s\" PREFIX=\"%s\"";
 MSG_pkg_fail_missing_vars="Error: \${PKG_SUBDIR} must be specified given both \${PKG_FNAME} and \${PKG_URLS_GIT}.";
-MSG_pkg_finish="[%3d%%/%3d%%] [%03d/%03d] Finished \`%s' build.";
-MSG_pkg_msg="%s/%s: %s";
-MSG_pkg_skip_disabled="Skipping disabled package \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkg_skip_finished="Skipping finished package \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkg_skip_unknown="Error: unknown package \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkg_step="Finished build step %s of package \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkg_strip="Stripping %s...";
+MSG_pkg_finish="5;[%3d%%/%3d%%] [%03d/%03d] Finished \`%s' build.";
+MSG_pkg_msg="3;%s/%s: %s";
+MSG_pkg_skip_disabled="1;Skipping disabled package \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkg_skip_finished="1;Skipping finished package \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkg_skip_unknown="1;Error: unknown package \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkg_step="2;Finished build step %s of package \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkg_strip="1;Stripping %s...";
-MSG_zipdist_begin="Building deployable distribution ZIP archive...";
-MSG_zipdist_finished="Finished building deployable distribution ZIP archive.";
-MSG_zipdist_missing_pkg_build_dir="Error: missing package build directory for package \`%s'.";
-MSG_zipdist_signed="Signed deployable distribution ZIP archive.";
-MSG_zipdist_signing="Signing deployable distribution ZIP archive...";
+MSG_zipdist_begin="0;Building deployable distribution ZIP archive...";
+MSG_zipdist_finished="0;Finished building deployable distribution ZIP archive.";
+MSG_zipdist_missing_pkg_build_dir="1;Error: missing package build directory for package \`%s'.";
+MSG_zipdist_signed="0;Signed deployable distribution ZIP archive.";
+MSG_zipdist_signing="0;Signing deployable distribution ZIP archive...";
 # vim:foldmethod=marker ft=sh
diff --git a/etc/pkgtool.msgs.en b/etc/pkgtool.msgs.en
index bf3fc77..55b1206 100644
--- a/etc/pkgtool.msgs.en
+++ b/etc/pkgtool.msgs.en
@@ -2,34 +2,34 @@
 # en_* locale messages file for pkgtool.sh
-MSG_pkgtool_build_group="Build group: %s";
-MSG_pkgtool_no_env_dump="Warning: failed to locate environment dump for package \`%s' in \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_archive_mirroring="Mirroring package \`%s', archive URL(s): \`%s'...";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_archive_mirroring_parent="Mirroring package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s'), archive URL(s): \`%s'...";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_fail="Warning: failed to unfold dependency-expanded package name list for \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_full_disabled="Full dependencies of \`%s' (disabled packages:) %s";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_full="Full dependencies of \`%s': %s";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_rev_none="Package \`%s' has no reverse dependencies.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_direct_deps="Direct dependencies of \`%s': %s";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_disabled="Package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s') disabled, skipping.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_git_mirroring="Mirroring package \`%s', Git URL(s): \`%s'...";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_git_mirroring_parent="Mirroring package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s'), Git URL(s): \`%s'...";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_link_fail="Failed to create symbolic link \`%s' for package \`%s' w/ parent package \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_mirror_fail="Failed to mirror package \`%s', skipping.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_no_deps="Package \`%s' has no dependencies.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkgs_deps_rev_disabled="Reverse dependencies of \`%s' (disabled packages:) %s";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkgs_deps_rev="Reverse dependencies of \`%s': %s";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_archive_mirror="Archive URL(s) mirroring disabled, skipping \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_git_mirror_disabled="Package \`%s' specifies to skip Git URL(s) mirroring, skipping.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_git_mirror="Git URL(s) mirroring disabled, skipping \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_no_urls="Package \`%s' has neither archive nor Git URL(s), skipping.";
-MSG_pkgtool_rebuilding_pkg="Rebuilding package \`%s' w/ --dump-in build...";
-MSG_pkgtool_shell_env1="Launching shell \`%s' within package environment and \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_shell_env2="Run \$R to rebuild \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_shell_env3="Run \$RS <step> to restart the specified build step of \`%s'";
-MSG_pkgtool_shell_env4="Run \$D to automatically regenerate the patch for \`%s'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_tarball_created="Created compressed tarball of \`%s' and \`%s_stderrout.log'.";
-MSG_pkgtool_tarball_creating="Creating compressed tarball of \`%s' and \`%s_stderrout.log'...";
-MSG_pkgtool_updated_patches="Updated \`%s/patches/%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_build_group="1;Build group: %s";
+MSG_pkgtool_no_env_dump="2;Warning: failed to locate environment dump for package \`%s' in \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_archive_mirroring="2;Mirroring package \`%s', archive URL(s): \`%s'...";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_archive_mirroring_parent="3;Mirroring package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s'), archive URL(s): \`%s'...";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_fail="1;Warning: failed to unfold dependency-expanded package name list for \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_full_disabled="2;Full dependencies of \`%s' (disabled packages:) %s";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_full="2;Full dependencies of \`%s': %s";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_deps_rev_none="1;Package \`%s' has no reverse dependencies.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_direct_deps="2;Direct dependencies of \`%s': %s";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_disabled="2;Package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s') disabled, skipping.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_git_mirroring="2;Mirroring package \`%s', Git URL(s): \`%s'...";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_git_mirroring_parent="3;Mirroring package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s'), Git URL(s): \`%s'...";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_link_fail="3;Failed to create symbolic link \`%s' for package \`%s' w/ parent package \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_mirror_fail="1;Failed to mirror package \`%s', skipping.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_no_deps="1;Package \`%s' has no dependencies.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkgs_deps_rev_disabled="2;Reverse dependencies of \`%s' (disabled packages:) %s";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkgs_deps_rev="2;Reverse dependencies of \`%s': %s";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_archive_mirror="1;Archive URL(s) mirroring disabled, skipping \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_git_mirror_disabled="1;Package \`%s' specifies to skip Git URL(s) mirroring, skipping.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_git_mirror="1;Git URL(s) mirroring disabled, skipping \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_pkg_skip_no_urls="1;Package \`%s' has neither archive nor Git URL(s), skipping.";
+MSG_pkgtool_rebuilding_pkg="1;Rebuilding package \`%s' w/ --dump-in build...";
+MSG_pkgtool_shell_env1="2;Launching shell \`%s' within package environment and \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_shell_env2="1;Run \$R to rebuild \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_shell_env3="1;Run \$RS <step> to restart the specified build step of \`%s'";
+MSG_pkgtool_shell_env4="1;Run \$D to automatically regenerate the patch for \`%s'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_tarball_created="2;Created compressed tarball of \`%s' and \`%s_stderrout.log'.";
+MSG_pkgtool_tarball_creating="2;Creating compressed tarball of \`%s' and \`%s_stderrout.log'...";
+MSG_pkgtool_updated_patches="2;Updated \`%s/patches/%s'.";
 # vim:foldmethod=marker ft=sh
diff --git a/etc/rtl.msgs.en b/etc/rtl.msgs.en
index aee15ab..4298dae 100644
--- a/etc/rtl.msgs.en
+++ b/etc/rtl.msgs.en
@@ -2,34 +2,34 @@
 # en_* locale messages file for subr.rtl/*.subr
-MSG_rtl_fetch_fail="Error: failed to fetch URL \`%s' (wget(1) exit status: %s)";
-MSG_rtl_fetch_fail_retryurl="Warning: failed to fetch URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL... (wget(1) exit status: %s)";
-MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail1="Error: hash mismatch for URL \`%s' (should be: %s vs.: %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail2="Error: hash mismatch for URL \`%s' (should be: %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail_retryurl="Warning: hash mismatch for URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL... (from build variables: %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fetch_lockfail="Error: failed to acquire fetching lock for URL \`%s'.";
-MSG_rtl_fetch_lockfail_retryurl="Warning: failed to acquire fetching lock for URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL...";
-MSG_rtl_fetch_rm_redundant="Deleting redundant file \`%s' for package \`%s'.";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_fail="2;Error: failed to fetch URL \`%s' (wget(1) exit status: %s)";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_fail_retryurl="2;Warning: failed to fetch URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL... (wget(1) exit status: %s)";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail1="3;Error: hash mismatch for URL \`%s' (should be: %s vs.: %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail2="2;Error: hash mismatch for URL \`%s' (should be: %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail_retryurl="2;Warning: hash mismatch for URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL... (from build variables: %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_lockfail="1;Error: failed to acquire fetching lock for URL \`%s'.";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_lockfail_retryurl="1;Warning: failed to acquire fetching lock for URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL...";
+MSG_rtl_fetch_rm_redundant="2;Deleting redundant file \`%s' for package \`%s'.";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invalid_dir="Error: Invalid or non-existent directory \`%s'.";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chgrp="Error: Missing parameters (in: chgrp %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chmod="Error: Missing parameters (in: chmod %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chown="Error: Missing parameters (in: chown %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_cp="Error: Missing parameters (in: cp %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_cp_follow="Error: Missing parameters (in: cp_follow %s}.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm="Error: Missing parameters (in: %s %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_fileop="Error: rtl_fileop() called w/ invalid parameter(s): %s";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_install="Error: Missing parameters (in: install %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_ln_symbolic="Error: Missing parameters (in: ln_symbolic %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_mv="Error: Missing parameters (in: mv %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_touch="Error: Missing parameters (in: touch %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invalid_dir="1;Error: Invalid or non-existent directory \`%s'.";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chgrp="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: chgrp %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chmod="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: chmod %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chown="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: chown %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_cp="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: cp %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_cp_follow="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: cp_follow %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm="2;Error: Missing parameters (in: %s %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_fileop="1;Error: rtl_fileop() called w/ invalid parameter(s): %s";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_install="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: install %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_ln_symbolic="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: ln_symbolic %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_mv="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: mv %s.)";
+MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_touch="1;Error: Missing parameters (in: touch %s.)";
-MSG_rtl_log_vars_header="Variables for this %s:";
-MSG_rtl_log_unknown_tag="==> FIXME TODO XXX UNKNOWN TAG \`%s' PASSED TO rtl_log_msg()\n";
+MSG_rtl_log_vars_header="1;Variables for this %s:";
+MSG_rtl_log_unknown_tag="1;==> FIXME TODO XXX UNKNOWN TAG \`%s' PASSED TO rtl_log_msg()\n";
-MSG_rtl_platform_rc1="Command line: %s %s";
-MSG_rtl_platform_rc2="Command line: %s";
+MSG_rtl_platform_rc1="2;Command line: %s %s";
+MSG_rtl_platform_rc2="1;Command line: %s";
 # vim:foldmethod=marker ft=sh
diff --git a/pkgtool.sh b/pkgtool.sh
index 76faf5f..276ab7b 100755
--- a/pkgtool.sh
+++ b/pkgtool.sh
@@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ pkgtool() {
 		esac; _rc="${?}";
 	if [ "${_rc}" -ne 0 ]; then
-		rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${_status}";
+		rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "0;${_status}";
 	elif [ -n "${_status}" ]; then
-		rtl_log_msg "info" "${_status}";
+		rtl_log_msg "info" "0;${_status}";
diff --git a/subr.rtl/rtl_fetch.subr b/subr.rtl/rtl_fetch.subr
index 461893b..5f55732 100644
--- a/subr.rtl/rtl_fetch.subr
+++ b/subr.rtl/rtl_fetch.subr
@@ -37,31 +37,26 @@ rtl_fetch_url_wget() {
 		case "${_rc}" in
 		0)	break; ;;
 		1)	if [ "${_urls_count}" -ge 1 ]; then
-				rtl_log_msg "warning" "Warning: failed to acquire fetching lock for URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL..." "${_url}";
+				rtl_log_msg "warning" "${MSG_rtl_fetch_lockfail_retryurl}" "${_url}";
-				rtl_log_msg "fatal" "Error: failed to acquire fetching lock for URL \`%s'." "${_url}";
+				rtl_log_msg "fatal" "${MSG_rtl_fetch_lockfail}" "${_url}";
 				rtl_fileop rm "${_target_fname_full}"; break;
 			fi; ;;
 		2)	if [ "${_urls_count}" -ge 1 ]; then
-				rtl_log_msg "warning" "Warning: hash mismatch for URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL... (from build variables: %s.)"\
-						"${_url}" "${_sha256sum_src}";
+				rtl_log_msg "warning" "${MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail_retryurl}" "${_url}" "${_sha256sum_src}";
 				if _sha256sum_target="$(sha256sum "${_target_fname_full}" |\
 							awk '{print $1}' 2>/dev/null)"; then
-					rtl_log_msg "fatal" "Error: hash mismatch for URL \`%s' (should be: %s vs.: %s.)"\
-							"${_url}" "${_sha256sum_src}" "${_sha256sum_target}";
+					rtl_log_msg "fatal" "${MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail1}" "${_url}" "${_sha256sum_src}" "${_sha256sum_target}";
-					rtl_log_msg "fatal" "Error: hash mismatch for URL \`%s' (should be: %s.)"\
-							"${_url}" "${_sha256sum_src}";
+					rtl_log_msg "fatal" "${MSG_rtl_fetch_hashfail2}" "${_url}" "${_sha256sum_src}";
 				rtl_fileop rm "${_target_fname_full}"; break;
 			fi; ;;
 		*)	if [ "${_urls_count}" -ge 1 ]; then
-				rtl_log_msg "warning" "Warning: failed to fetch URL \`%s', retrying with alternative URL... (wget(1) exit status: %s)"\
-						"${_url}" "$((${_rc}-2))";
+				rtl_log_msg "warning" "${MSG_rtl_fetch_fail_retryurl}" "${_url}" "$((${_rc}-2))";
-				rtl_log_msg "fatal" "Error: failed to fetch URL \`%s' (wget(1) exit status: %s)"\
-						"${_url}" "$((${_rc}-2))";
+				rtl_log_msg "fatal" "${MSG_rtl_fetch_fail}" "${_url}" "$((${_rc}-2))";
 				rtl_fileop rm "${_target_fname_full}"; break;
 			fi; ;;
diff --git a/subr.rtl/rtl_fileop.subr b/subr.rtl/rtl_fileop.subr
index 4addffc..6d258f5 100644
--- a/subr.rtl/rtl_fileop.subr
+++ b/subr.rtl/rtl_fileop.subr
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ rtlp_fileop_check() {
 rtlp_fileop_log() {
-	rtl_log_msg "fileop" "${1}";
+	rtl_log_msg "fileop" "0;${1}";
@@ -25,27 +25,27 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 	local _op="${1}" _dst="" _group="" _install_args="" _mode="" _owner="" _rc=0 _src=""; shift;
 	case "${_op}" in
 	cd)	if [ \( -z "${1}" \) -o ! \( -L "${1}" -o -e "${1}" \) ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Invalid or non-existent directory \`%s'." "${1}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invalid_dir}" "${1}";
 		elif rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${1}"; then
 			rtlp_fileop_log "Changing working directory to \`${1}'.";
 			cd -- "${1}"; _rc="${?}";
 		fi; ;;
 	chmod)	if [ "${#}" -lt 2 ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: chmod %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chmod}" "${*}";
 		elif _mode="${1}" && shift\
 		&&   rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${*}"; then
 			rtlp_fileop_log "Changing file mode bits of \`${*}' to \`${_mode}'.";
 			chmod -- "${_mode}" "${@}"; _rc="${?}";
 		fi; ;;
 	chgrp)	if [ "${#}" -lt 2 ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: chgrp %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chgrp}" "${*}";
 		elif _group="${1}" && shift\
 		&&   rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${*}"; then
 			rtlp_fileop_log "Changing file group of \`${*}' to \`${_group}'.";
 			chgrp -- "${_group}" "${@}"; _rc="${?}";
 		fi; ;;
 	chown)	if [ "${#}" -lt 2 ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: chown %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_chown}" "${*}";
 		elif _owner="${1}" && shift\
 		&&   rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${*}"; then
 			rtlp_fileop_log "Changing file owner of \`${*}' to \`${_owner}'.";
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 		fi; ;;
 		if [ "${#}" -lt 2 ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: cp_follow %s}.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_cp_follow}" "${*}";
 		elif rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${*}"; then
 			_src="${*}"; _src="${_src% *}";
 			_dst="${*}"; _dst="${_dst##* }";
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 			cp -pLR -- "${@}"; _rc="${?}";
 		fi; ;;
 	cp)	if [ "${#}" -lt 2 ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: cp %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_cp}" "${*}";
 		elif rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${*}"; then
 			_src="${*}"; _src="${_src% *}";
 			_dst="${*}"; _dst="${_dst##* }";
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 		fi; ;;
 		if [ "${#}" -lt 2 ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: install %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_install}" "${*}";
 		else	_dst="$(while [ ""${#}"" -gt 2 ]; do shift; done; printf "%s" "${2}")";
 			_install_args="$(while [ ""${#}"" -gt 2 ]; do printf "%s" "${1}"; shift; done)";
 			_src="$(while [ ""${#}"" -gt 2 ]; do shift; done; printf "%s" "${1}")";
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 		fi; ;;
 		if [ \( -z "${1}" \) -o \( -z "${2}" \) ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: ln_symbolic %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_ln_symbolic}" "${*}";
 		elif rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${2}"; then
 			if rtl_fileop test "${2}"; then
 				rtl_fileop rm "${2}";
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 		fi; ;;
 	mv)	if [ \( -z "${1}" \) -o \( -z "${2}" \) ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: mv %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_mv}" "${*}";
 		elif rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${1}" "${2}"; then
 			rtlp_fileop_log "Moving \`${1}' to \`${2}' w/ -fs";
 			mv -f -- "${1}" "${2}"; _rc="${?}";
 		fi; ;;
 	touch)	if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: touch %s.)" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_touch}" "${*}";
 		elif rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${1}"; then
 			rtlp_fileop_log "Touching file \`${1}'${2:+ w/ timestamp \`${2}\'}.";
 			touch ${2:+-t "${2}"} -- "${1}"; _rc="${?}";
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 		while [ \( "${?}" -eq 0 \) -a \( ""${#}"" -gt 0 \) ]; do
 			if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
-				rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: Missing parameters (in: %s %s.)" "${_op}" "${*}";
+				rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm}" "${_op}" "${*}";
 			elif [ "${_op}" = mkdir ]\
 			&& [ ! -d "${1}" ]\
 			&& rtlp_fileop_check "${PREFIX:-}" "${1}"; then
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ rtl_fileop() {
 				return 1;
 			fi; shift;
 		done; ;;
-	*)	rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "Error: rtl_fileop() called w/ invalid parameter(s): %s" "${*}"; ;;
+	*)	rtl_log_msg "fatalexit" "${MSG_rtl_fileop_invparm_fileop}" "${*}"; ;;
 	esac; return "${_rc}";
diff --git a/subr.rtl/rtl_install_v2.subr b/subr.rtl/rtl_install_v2.subr
index 210ade9..6366376 100644
--- a/subr.rtl/rtl_install_v2.subr
+++ b/subr.rtl/rtl_install_v2.subr
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ rtlp_install_rc() {
 	if [ "${_rir_nflag}" -eq 1 ]\
 	|| [ "${_rir_vflag}" -gt 0 ]; then
-		rtl_log_msg "install" "%s" "${_rir_fn}${_rir_fn:+ ${*}}";
+		rtl_log_msg "install" "${MSG_rtl_install_v2_rc}" "${_rir_fn}${_rir_fn:+ ${*}}";
 	if [ "${_rir_nflag}" -eq 0 ]; then
 		"${_rir_fn}" "${@}"; _rir_rc="${?}";
diff --git a/subr.rtl/rtl_log.subr b/subr.rtl/rtl_log.subr
index 0a1e275..3a7560a 100644
--- a/subr.rtl/rtl_log.subr
+++ b/subr.rtl/rtl_log.subr
@@ -11,7 +11,15 @@ RTLP_LOG_NO_ATTR=0;
 rtlp_log_printf() {
-	local _attr="${1}" _fmt="${2}"; shift 2; _msg="$(printf "${_fmt}" "${@}")";
+	local _attr="${1}" _fmt_pfx="${2}" _fmt="${3#*;}" _fmt_argc="${3%%;*}"; shift 3;
+	if [ "${#}" -ne "${_fmt_argc}" ]; then
+		if [ "${_fmt_argc}" -eq 0 ]; then
+			shift "${#}";
+		else
+		fi;
+	fi;
+	_msg="$(printf "${_fmt_pfx}${_fmt}" "${@}")";
 	if [ -n "${RTLP_LOG_FNAME}" ]; then
 		printf "%s\n" "${_msg}" >> "${RTLP_LOG_FNAME}";
@@ -43,11 +51,11 @@ rtl_log_enable_tags() {
 rtl_log_env_vars() {
 	local _tag="${1}" _type="${2}" _arg_len_max=0; shift 2;
-	rtl_log_msg "${_tag}" "Variables for this ${_type}:";
+	rtl_log_msg "${_tag}" "${MSG_rtl_log_vars_header}" "${_type}";
 	_arg_len_max="$(rtl_lmax "${@}")";
 	while [ "${#}" -gt 0 ]; do
-		rtl_log_msg "${_tag}"				\
-			"%${_arg_len_max}.${_arg_len_max}s=%s"	\
+		rtl_log_msg "${_tag}"					\
+			"2;%${_arg_len_max}.${_arg_len_max}s=%s"	\
 			"${1%%=*}" "$(rtl_get_var_unsafe "${1#*=}")";
 	done; return 0;
@@ -60,9 +68,9 @@ rtl_log_msg() {
 	if rtl_lmatch "${RTLP_LOG_TAGS}" "${_tag}" ","; then
 		eval _attr='${LOG_TAG_'"${_tag}"':-}';
 		if [ "${#_attr}" -eq 0 ]; then
-			rtlp_log_printf "" "==> FIXME TODO XXX UNKNOWN TAG \`%s' PASSED TO rtl_log_msg()\n" "${_tag}";
+			rtlp_log_printf "" "" "0;==> FIXME TODO XXX UNKNOWN TAG \`${_tag}' PASSED TO rtl_log_msg()\n";
-		rtlp_log_printf "${_attr}" "==> %s ${_fmt}" "$(rtl_date)" "${@}";
+		rtlp_log_printf "${_attr}" "==> $(rtl_date) " "${_fmt}" "${@}";
 		if [ "${_exitfl}" -eq 1 ]; then
 			exit 1;
diff --git a/subr.rtl/rtl_platform.subr b/subr.rtl/rtl_platform.subr
index af3365e..dd50852 100644
--- a/subr.rtl/rtl_platform.subr
+++ b/subr.rtl/rtl_platform.subr
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ rtl_rc() {
 	local _nflag="${1}" _cmd="${2}"; shift 2;
 	case "${_nflag}" in
 	1)	     if [ "${#}" -gt 0 ]; then
-			rtl_log_msg "verbose" "Command line: %s %s" "${_cmd}" "${*}";
+			rtl_log_msg "verbose" "${MSG_rtl_platform_rc1}" "${_cmd}" "${*}";
-			rtl_log_msg "verbose" "Command line: %s" "${_cmd}";
+			rtl_log_msg "verbose" "${MSG_rtl_platform_rc2}" "${_cmd}";
 		fi; ;;
 	*)	"${_cmd}" "${@}";