usage: ./ [-a nt32|nt64] [-b debug|release] [-C dir[,..]] [-d] [-D kind[,..]] [-F ipv4|ipv6|offline] [-h] [-p jobs] [-P] [-r ALL|LAST] [-r [*[*[*]]]name[,..][:step,..]] [-R] [-v[v[v[v]]]] [--as-needed] [--debug-minipix] [--dump-on-abort] [[=]<group>|<variable name>=<variable override>[ ..]] -a nt32|nt64 Selects 32-bit or 64-bit architecture; defaults to nt64. -b debug|release Selects debug or release build kind; defaults to debug. -C dir[,..] Clean build directory (build,) ${PREFIX} before processing build scripts (prefix,) source directory (src,) and/or destination directory (dest) after successful package builds. -D kind[,..] Produce minimal midipix distribution directory (minipix,) RPM binary packages (rpm,) and/or deployable distribution ZIP archive (zipdist.) zipdist implies minipix. -F ipv4|ipv6|offline Force IPv4 (ipv4) or IPv6 (ipv6) when downloading package archives and/or Git repositories or don't download either at all (offline.) -h Show this screen. -p jobs Enables parallelisation at group-level, whenever applicable. -P The maximum count of jobs defaults to the number of logical processors on the host system divided by two (2.) If -R is not specified and at least one (1) package fails to build, all remaining package builds will be forcibly aborted. -r ALL|LAST Restart all packages or the last failed package and resume build, resp. -r [*[*[*]]]name[,..][:step,..] Restart the specified comma-separated package(s) completely or at optionally specified comma-separated list of build steps. Prepend w/ `*' to automatically include dependencies, `**' to forcibly rebuild all dependencies, and `***` to forcibly rebuild all packages that depend on the specified package(s). Currently defined build steps are: fetch_wget, fetch_git, fetch_extract, configure_patch_pre, configure_autotools, configure_patch, configure, build, install_subdirs, install_make, install_files, install_libs, install, and install_rpm. -R Ignore build failures, skip printing package logs, and continue building (relaxed mode.) -v[v[v[v]]] Be verbose; -vv: always print package logs; -vvv: set xtrace during package builds; -vvvv: logs fileops. --as-needed Don't build unless the midipix_build repository has received new commits. --debug-minipix Don't strip(1) minipix binaries to facilitate debugging minipix. --dump-on-abort Produce package environment dump files on build failure to be used in conjuction with script (excludes -R.) <group>[ ..] One of: dev_packages, dist, host_deps, host_deps_rpm, host_toolchain, host_tools, minipix, native_packages, native_runtime, native_toolchain, native_tools. Prepend w/ `=' to inhibit group-group dependency expansion. <variable name>=<variable override>[ ..] Override build or package variable.