# # Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 LucĂa Andrea Illanes Albornoz <lucia@luciaillanes.de> # set +o errexit -o noglob -o nounset is assumed. # # # Private globals # RTLP_LOG_FNAME=""; RTLP_LOG_NO_ATTR=0; RTLP_LOG_TAGS=""; RTLP_LOG_TERMINAL_COLOURS="$(tput colors 2>/dev/null)"; # # Private subroutines # # # rtlp_log_msg_get_attr() - get attributes e.g. ANSI escape sequences for single log tag # @_rattr: out reference to attributes e.g. ANSI escape sequences # @_tag: tag to log message at # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # rtlp_log_msg_get_attr() { local _rplmga_rattr="${1#\$}" _rplmga_tag="${2}" \ _rplmga_attr="" _rplmga_attr_state="" \ _rplmga_term_colour=0; if [ "${RTLP_LOG_TERMINAL_COLOURS}" = 256 ]; then set -- 256 ""; else set -- ""; fi; for _rplmga_term_colour in "${@}"; do eval _rplmga_attr='${LOG_TAG_'"${_rplmga_tag}${_rplmga_term_colour:+_${_rplmga_term_colour}}"':-}'; if [ "${_rplmga_attr:+1}" = 1 ]; then break; else eval _rplmga_attr_state='${RTLP_ATTR_STATE_'"${_rplmga_tag}"':-}'; if [ "${_rplmga_attr_state:+1}" != 1 ]; then _rplmga_attr_state=0; else : $((_rplmga_attr_state += 1)); fi; eval "RTLP_ATTR_STATE_${_rplmga_tag}=${_rplmga_attr_state}"; if [ "$((${_rplmga_attr_state} % 2))" -eq 0 ]; then eval _rplmga_attr='${LOG_TAG_'"${_rplmga_tag}"'_even'"${_rplmga_term_colour:+_${_rplmga_term_colour}}"':-}'; else eval _rplmga_attr='${LOG_TAG_'"${_rplmga_tag}"'_odd'"${_rplmga_term_colour:+_${_rplmga_term_colour}}"':-}'; fi; if [ "${_rplmga_attr:+1}" = 1 ]; then break; fi; fi; done; eval ${_rplmga_rattr}='${_rplmga_attr}'; return 0; }; # # rtlp_log_printfV() - print single message to log file # @_attr: attributes e.g. ANSI escape sequences to log message with # @_fmt_pfx: printf(1) format string prefix # @_fmt: printf(1) format string # @...: parameters to printf(1) w/ @_fmt # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # rtlp_log_printfV() { local _rplp_attr="${1}" _rplp_fmt_pfx="${2}" \ _rplp_fmt="${3#*;}" _rplp_fmt_argc="${3%%;*}"; shift 3; if [ "${#}" -ne "${_rplp_fmt_argc}" ]; then if [ "${_rplp_fmt_argc}" -eq 0 ]; then shift "${#}"; else rtlp_log_printfV "" "" "0;==> [4;41;97mFIXME TODO XXX MESSAGE STRING ARGUMENT COUNT MISMATCH[0m\n"; fi; fi; _rplp_msg="$(printf "${_rplp_fmt_pfx}${_rplp_fmt}" "${@}")"; if [ "${RTLP_LOG_FNAME:+1}" = 1 ]; then printf "%s\n" "${_rplp_msg}" >> "${RTLP_LOG_FNAME}"; fi; if [ "${RTLP_LOG_NO_ATTR:-0}" -eq 0 ]; then printf "\033[0m\033[${_rplp_attr}m%s\033[0m\n" "${_rplp_msg}"; else printf "%s\n" "${_rplp_msg}"; fi; return 0; }; # # Public subroutines # # # rtl_log_clear_tags() - clear all log tags # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # rtl_log_clear_tags() { RTLP_LOG_TAGS=""; return 0; }; # # rtl_log_enable_tagsV() - enable log tags # @...: list of tags to enable as positional parameters # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # rtl_log_enable_tagsV() { local IFS=","; set -- ${*}; while [ "${#}" -gt 0 ]; do if ! rtl_lmatch \$RTLP_LOG_TAGS "${1}" ","; then RTLP_LOG_TAGS="${RTLP_LOG_TAGS:+${RTLP_LOG_TAGS},}${1}"; fi; shift; done; return 0; }; # # rtl_log_env_vars() - log all environment variables to log file # @_tag: tag to log environment variables at # @_type: type string printed in log message header # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # rtl_log_env_vars() { local _rlev_tag="${1}" _rlev_type="${2}" \ _rlev_arg_len_max=0 _rlev_list="" _rlev_msg="" _rlev_msg_=""; shift 2; rtl_log_msgV "${_rlev_tag}" "${MSG_rtl_log_vars_header}" "${_rlev_type}"; _rlev_list="${@}"; rtl_lmax \$_rlev_list \$_rlev_arg_len_max; while [ "${#}" -gt 0 ]; do rtl_get_var_unsafe \$_rlev_msg "${1#*=}"; rtl_llift2 \$_rlev_msg \$_rlev_msg_ "" " "; rtl_log_msgV "${_rlev_tag}" \ "2;%${_rlev_arg_len_max}.${_rlev_arg_len_max}s=%s" \ "${1%%=*}" "${_rlev_msg_}"; shift; done; return 0; }; # # rtl_log_msgV() - log message to log file # @_tag: tag to log message at # @_fmt: printf(1) format string # @...: parameters to printf(1) w/ @_fmt # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # N.B.: Optional attributes e.g. ANSI escape sequences w/ which the the log message is to # be printed are taken from the variable corresponding to @_tag named "LOG_TAG_<@_tag>", # if present/set. # # @_tag must have previously been enabled w/ rtl_log_enable_tagsV() to be logged at all. # rtl_log_msgV() { local _rlm3_tag="${1}" _rlm3_fmt="${2}" \ _rlm3_attr="" _rlm3_date_now=0 _rlm3_exitfl=0 shift 2; if [ "x${_rlm3_tag}" = "xfatalexit" ]; then _rlm3_tag="fatal"; _rlm3_exitfl=1; fi; if [ "${_rlm3_tag}" = "fatal" ]\ || rtl_lmatch \$RTLP_LOG_TAGS "${_rlm3_tag}" ","; then rtlp_log_msg_get_attr \$_rlm3_attr "${_rlm3_tag}"; rtl_date \$_rlm3_date_now; rtlp_log_printfV "${_rlm3_attr}" "==> ${_rlm3_date_now} " "${_rlm3_fmt}" "${@}"; if [ "${_rlm3_exitfl}" -eq 1 ]; then exit 1; fi; fi; return 0; }; # # rtl_log_set_fname() - set log file pathname # @_fname: pathname to new log file # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # rtl_log_set_fname() { RTLP_LOG_FNAME="${1}"; return 0; }; # # rtl_log_set_no_attr() - set or clear no ANSI escape sequences in log file flag # @_flag: either 0 to set or 1 to clear no ANSI escape sequences in log file flag # # Returns: zero (0) on success, non-zero (>0) on failure # rtl_log_set_no_attr() { RTLP_LOG_NO_ATTR="${1}"; return 0; }; # vim:filetype=sh textwidth=0