#5 README.md: Copy build dependencies into the table
Merged 2 years ago by lalbornoz. Opened 2 years ago by sskras.
build/ sskras/midipix_build Build-time-dependencies-table  into  main

file modified
@@ -115,6 +115,41 @@ 

  * **OpenSUSE Linux**:

    binutils bzip2 cmake coreutils curl findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ git grep gzip hostname linux-glibc-devel lzip make patch perl perl-XML-Parser procps sed tar util-linux wget xz zip


+ #### The distro matrix:


+ |   Alpine Linux:   |   Debian/-derived Linux:   |   Gentoo Linux:      |   OpenSUSE Linux:   |

+ |                   |                            |                      |                     |

+ | binutils          | binutils                   | binutils             | binutils            |

+ | bzip2             | bzip2                      | bzip2                | bzip2               |

+ | cmake             | cmake                      | cmake                | cmake               |

+ | coreutils         | coreutils                  | coreutils            | coreutils           |

+ | curl              | curl                       | curl                 | curl                |

+ | findutils         | findutils                  | findutils            | findutils           |

+ | g++               | g++                        | -                    | gcc-c++             |

+ | gawk              | gawk                       | gawk                 | gawk                |

+ | gcc               | gcc                        | =gcc-7.5.0-r1        | gcc                 |

+ | git               | git                        | dev-vcs/git          | git                 |

+ | grep              | grep                       | grep                 | grep                |

+ | gzip              | gzip                       | gzip                 | gzip                |

+ | -                 | hostname                   | -                    | hostname            |

+ | libc-dev          | libc6-dev                  | -                    | linux-glibc-devel   |

+ | -                 | libxml-parser-perl         | -                    | -                   |

+ | linux-headers     | -                          | -                    | -                   |

+ | lzip              | lzip                       | lzip                 | lzip                |

+ | make              | make                       | make                 | make                |

+ | musl-dev          | -                          | -                    | -                   |

+ | net-tools         | -                          | -                    | -                   |

+ | patch             | patch                      | patch                | patch               |

+ | perl              | perl                       | perl                 | perl                |

+ | perl-xml-parser   | -                          | dev-perl/XML-Parser  | perl-XML-Parser     |

+ | procps            | procps                     | procps               | procps              |

+ | sed               | sed                        | sed                  | sed                 |

+ | tar               | tar                        | tar                  | tar                 |

+ | util-linux        | util-linux                 | util-linux           | util-linux          |

+ | wget              | wget                       | wget                 | wget                |

+ | xz                | xz-utils                   | xz-utils             | xz                  |

+ | zip               | zip                        | zip                  | zip                 |


  > N.B. Busybox is not supported. Awk implementations other than GNU Awk are not supported.  


  > N.B. gcc versions >7.5.0 are not supported. clang is not supported.  

This is to ease gathering the deps for distributions or even non-Linux OSes not mentioned here yet (eg. Arch Linux).

Signed-off-by: Saulius Krasuckas saulius2@ar-fi.lt

Pull-Request has been merged by lalbornoz

2 years ago