Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz |
e493dc |
Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz |
e493dc |
# en_* locale messages file for pkgtool.sh
Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz |
e493dc |
Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz |
e493dc |
6a630d |
MSG_info_build_group="2;Build group: ?[0m%s (?[4m%s?[0m)";
16909c |
MSG_info_pkg_deps_fail="1;Warning: failed to unfold dependency-expanded package name list for \`%s'.";
16909c |
MSG_info_pkg_direct_deps="2;Direct dependencies of \`%s': ?[0m%s";
16909c |
MSG_info_pkg_no_deps="1;Package \`%s' has no dependencies.";
16909c |
MSG_info_pkg_disabled="1;Package \`%s' is disabled.";
16909c |
MSG_info_pkg_deps_full="2;Full dependencies of \`%s': ?[0m%s";
16909c |
MSG_info_pkg_deps_full_disabled="2;Full dependencies of \`%s' (disabled packages:) ?[0m%s";
16909c |
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_disabled="2;Package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s') disabled, skipping.";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_skip_archive_mirror="1;Archive URL(s) mirroring disabled, skipping \`%s'.";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_archive_mirroring="2;Mirroring package \`%s', archive URL(s): \`%s'...";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_archive_mirroring_parent="3;Mirroring package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s'), archive URL(s): \`%s'...";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_mirror_fail="1;Failed to mirror package \`%s', skipping.";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_skip_git_mirror="1;Git URL(s) mirroring disabled, skipping \`%s'.";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_skip_git_mirror_disabled="1;Package \`%s' specifies to skip Git URL(s) mirroring, skipping.";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_link_fail="3;Failed to create symbolic link \`%s' for package \`%s' w/ parent package \`%s'.";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_git_mirroring="2;Mirroring package \`%s', Git URL(s): \`%s'...";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_git_mirroring_parent="3;Mirroring package \`%s' (parent package: \`%s'), Git URL(s): \`%s'...";
16909c |
MSG_mirror_pkg_skip_no_urls="1;Package \`%s' has neither archive nor Git URL(s), skipping.";
16909c |
16909c |
MSG_rdepends_pkg_deps_rev_none="1;Package \`%s' has no reverse dependencies.";
16909c |
MSG_rdepends_pkgs_deps_rev_disabled="2;Reverse dependencies of \`%s' (disabled packages:) ?[0m%s";
16909c |
MSG_rdepends_pkgs_deps_rev_recurse="2;Recursive reverse dependencies of \`%s': %s";
16909c |
16909c |
MSG_tarball_created="2;Created compressed tarball of \`%s' and \`%s_stderrout.log'.";
16909c |
MSG_tarball_creating="2;Creating compressed tarball of \`%s' and \`%s_stderrout.log'...";
Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz |
e493dc |
Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz |
e493dc |
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