Blame src/thread/nt32/clone.c
716654 |
716654 |
/* mmglue: midipix architecture- and target-specific bits for musl libc */
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/* Copyright (C) 2013--2023 SysDeer Technologies, LLC */
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/* Released under the Standard MIT License; see COPYING.MMGLUE. */
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9912f3 |
#define _GNU_SOURCE
9912f3 |
296178 |
#include <syscall.h>
9912f3 |
#include <sched.h>
296178 |
cde352 |
/* take advantage of i686 vararg abi */
cde352 |
#define __clone ____clone
cde352 |
#include "pthread_impl.h"
cde352 |
#undef __clone
cde352 |
296178 |
struct pt_regs {
296178 |
unsigned long ebx;
296178 |
unsigned long ecx;
296178 |
unsigned long edx;
296178 |
unsigned long esi;
296178 |
unsigned long edi;
cde352 |
unsigned long ebp;
cde352 |
unsigned long eax;
cde352 |
unsigned long xds;
cde352 |
unsigned long xes;
cde352 |
unsigned long xfs;
cde352 |
unsigned long xgs;
296178 |
unsigned long orig_eax;
296178 |
unsigned long eip;
cde352 |
unsigned long xcs;
296178 |
unsigned long eflags;
296178 |
unsigned long esp;
cde352 |
unsigned long xss;
cde352 |
unsigned long sbase;
cde352 |
unsigned long slimit;
cde352 |
unsigned long sbottom;
296178 |
296178 |
296178 |
typedef long __sys_clone(
296178 |
unsigned long flags,
296178 |
void * child_stack,
296178 |
void * ptid,
296178 |
void * ctid,
296178 |
struct pt_regs *regs);
296178 |
296178 |
extern unsigned long ** __syscall_vtbl;
296178 |
296178 |
int __clone(
296178 |
__entry_point * fn,
296178 |
void * child_stack,
296178 |
int flags,
296178 |
void * arg,
296178 |
int * ptid,
296178 |
void * pthread_self_addr,
296178 |
int * ctid)
296178 |
296178 |
struct pt_regs regs;
296178 |
__sys_clone * pfn_clone;
cde352 |
pthread_t pthread;
296178 |
296178 |
regs.eip = (unsigned long)fn;
296178 |
regs.ecx = (unsigned long)arg;
296178 |
regs.edx = (unsigned long)pthread_self_addr;
296178 |
296178 |
pfn_clone = (__sys_clone *)(__syscall_vtbl[SYS_clone]);
296178 |
cfeeec |
9912f3 |
regs.sbase = 0;
9912f3 |
regs.slimit = 0;
9912f3 |
regs.sbottom = 0;
9912f3 |
9912f3 |
return (int)pfn_clone(
9912f3 |
9912f3 |
9912f3 |
9912f3 |
9912f3 |
cde352 |
pthread = (pthread_t)pthread_self_addr;
cde352 |
regs.sbase = (unsigned long)pthread->stack;
cde352 |
regs.slimit = regs.sbase - pthread->stack_size;
cde352 |
regs.sbottom = regs.slimit - pthread->guard_size;
cde352 |
296178 |
return (int)pfn_clone(
296178 |
296178 |
296178 |
296178 |
296178 |
296178 |